Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 Johnston County, NC - Deeds File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by BRYAN Study Group BRYAN Family - Johnston County, NC Deeds 1759-1825 (Transcripts deed books are combinations of several deed books unlettered. All names listed as BRYAN for alphabetizing. Original spelling remains unchanged in deeds. ============================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ============================================================== Page 1 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 A. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 196; 25 March 1818 READING D. BRYAN exec of Est. of JOHN BRYAN dec late of Burke Co. GA, DAVID PEACOCK of Johnston Co for 40 pounds for 40 acres on waters of Mill Ck. Wit: SIMON. BRYAN, A BRYAN, JR. Signed: REDDING D. BRYAN, Exec. A. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 147; 7 January 1810 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co for $20, 130 acres SS road near Sedge Meder, a part of land granted to JOHN BRYAN on 9 March 1799. Wit: A. BRYAN, JR, LEWIS BRYAN. Signed: JOHN BRYAN. Feb. Ct. 1821 A. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 254; 7 October 1812 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA to JOHN LEE of Johnston Co, for 50 pounds, 203 acres in Johnston Co adjoining JAMES SMITH. Wit: A. BRYAN, JR, ZECHERY LEE. Signed: WILLIAM BRYAN, attorney for JOHN BRYAN, May Ct. 1824 A. H. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 43; 11 February 1825 JOHN INGRAM of Johnston Co to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co appoint him my lawful atty. for me and in my name. Wit: FURNIFOLD WOOD, A. H. BRYAN, Sr. Signed: JOHN INGRAM, Aug. Ct. 1825 ABIGAIL BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 346; 17 May 1768 JOHN ALSTON and w. ELIZABETH of Johnston Co, to THOMAS HINES of Johnston Co for 100 pounds, 320 acres on SS of Neuse River at JUDATH MATHEWS corner, the bank of river, just above the mouth of a gut. Wit: SARAH CLAXTON, ABIGAIL BRYAN, ISHAM SAFFOLD. Signed: JOHN ALSTON, ELIZABETH ALSTON, Aug Ct. 1768 ALICE BRYAN - deed book D, p. 99 Will of ROBERT BRYANT, dated 10 December 1760, prob. April Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT), son LEWIS, daug: ELIZABETH, MARY, CHARITY, _________SEY; bro. CHARLES BRYANT; negroes POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place, DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exec. WILLIAM HINTON, wife, & CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELIZABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 8,; 20 May 1769 JONATHAN AVERA & w. MARY of Johnston Co to JOHN RAND of Johnston Co. for 4 pounds 240 acres on SS Neuse River, being the plant. whereon JOHN RAND now lives, opp. the mouth of Marks Ck. being part of grant to THOMAS DRAPER by GRANVILLE 1755, surveyed 1752, which was given to sd. MARY AVERA dau. of THOMAS DRAPER, after his death. Wit: ARTHUR BRYAN, WILLIAM ROYALS Signed: JONATHAN AVERA, MARY (M) AVERA, May Ct. 1769. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 84; 24 January 1783 ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co to JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co for L & Aff. to my son, 168 acres Johnston Co. SS Neuse River, land granted to her by deed from COL. JOHN SMITH, 21 August 1782, adj. SMITH & WILLIAM BRYAN, the river bank and WILLIAM BRYAN, dec. Wit: ARTHUR BRYAN, J. BUSH. Signed: ELIZABETH BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1783. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 159; 6 May 1788 ARTHUR BRYAN, Shff. of Johnston Co to JOSEPH BOON, JR. of Johnston Co. Whereas the sd JOSEPH BOON, recovered a judgement against ELIZABETH EDWARDS, Admx. of Est. of WILLIAM EDWARDS, dec., for 60 pounds 12 s. & cost for the judgement did levy the same on a parcel of land & sold same to JOSEPH BOON, JR., highest bidder for 5 pounds 250 acres on Moccoson Sw. , Middle Turkey Br. adj. NATHAN GURLEY 200 acres tract adj above land, STEPHEN EDWARDS & HENRY RAINS. Wit: JARY POWELL, HARDEY BRYAN. Signed: ARTHUR BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1788. Page 2 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 111; 16 February 1774 JOHN BEDINGFIELD SR. & w. PORTANE of Johnston Co to ARTHUR BRYAN of Johnston Co for 130 pounds, 480 acres part in Johnston Co. part in Wake Co. on SS Neuse River, part of pat. granted to JOHN HINTON 1745 & part granted by GRANVILLE 1761 and to JOHN BEDINGFIELD, SR. Wit: W. BRYAN, JOHN HINTON. signed: JOHN BEDINGFIELD, SR. FORTAIN (X) BEDINGFIELD, May Ct. 1774. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book L-1,p. 183, 8 April 1782 JOHN SMITH of Johnston Co. to SAMUEL SMITH for GW & Aff. to my son, negro man BALTIMORE, negro woman DOLL and all their increase, together with the land and improvement bought from THOMAS ODOM. . . all livestock . . . anow in the poss. of SAMUEL SMITH on the plant. whereon sd BALTIMORE now lives. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN, J BUSH, ARTHUR BRYAN. Signed: JOHN SMITH, May Ct. 1782. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book M-1, p. 124; 26 Oct. 1784 LOTT GREGORY of Duplin Co. to DANIEL ROGERS of Johnston Co for 100 pounds, 400 acres SS Neuse River, adj. Kellys Ck. Sams Ck . . . part of a grant to DAMPSEY WELCH 12 Dec. 1778. Wit: ARTUR BRYANT, WILLIAM SASSER. Signed: LOTT GREGORY, Nov. Ct. 1784. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book K, p. 308, 28 July 1792 WILLIAM WARD, WILLIAM AVERA & JONATHAN SMITH of Johnston Co. are bound unto NATHAN WILLIAMS, SAM SMITH & ARTHUR BRYAN, JP, of Johnston Co. sum of one million pounds for the benefit of the child hereafter named commited to the tuition of said WILLIAM. WARD . . . 28 July 1782 . . sd. WILLIAM WARD is appt. Guard. to ANN ESTHER & BARTHOLOMEW LIGHTFOOT minor orphans. Wit: WILLIAM WARD, WILLIAM AVERA, JOHN SMITH. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book A-2, p. 183, 10 July 1801 JOHN ARTHUR BRYAN son and heir of ARTHUR BRYAN, ESQ. dec., late of Johnston Co. sells to MATHIAS HANDY of Smithfield for 4 pounds for 1/2 acre lot #64. Wit: CALVIN JONES. signed JONATHAN A. BRYAN. Feb Ct. 1802. ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 260, 12 October 1820 JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston Co & WILLIAM BATTLE to THOMAS PRICE of Johnston Co. sd. BRYAN is indebted to THOMAS PRICE and sued by NATHANIEL RAND, FARMER JONES & State Bank of NC . . .(to mgt.?) land from ARTHUR BRYAN. .. many acres, negro men SIMON, JERRY, POMPY, BUCK, REDDICK, BRITE & HANDY, boys WILLIS, CHAPPELL & CHARLES, women CHERRY & DICE, girls CLARRY, HARRIET, HAGAR, VIOLET, MARZILLA, MARTHA, CANDIS, TILLIE, cattle, household furn. if debt is not paid by 1 Dec. WILLIAM BATTLE may sell & pay THOMAS PRICE first Wit: H ROBERTSON, GEORGE W. MARSHBURN. Signed: JOHN A. BRYAN, WILLIAM BATTLE, T. PRICE, _____1820. ASA BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 17, 29 Oct. 1787 JAMES ALLEN of Johnston Co. to NATHAN ALLEN of Johnston Co. for L & GW & for other causes, 5 negroes GLASGOW, TOM, FLORA, ANN & PHILLIS, 2040 acres land incl. the plant. whereon I now live. with all crops, livestock, household goods & chattels. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, ASA BRYAN. Signed: JAMES ALLEN (his mark), Nov. Ct. 1787. ASA BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 31, 28 August 1787 JAMES ALLEN of Johnston Co to NATHAN ALLEN of Johnston Co. for L & GW & other causes 3 plant. 250 acres SS Neuse River, Mill Cr. 250 acres SS Stones Ck. near Frenches old field, NICHOLAS LEE, and his own line 100 acres beg. in Stones Ck. Stevens line, Frenchies Spr. Br. Wit: ASA BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, Signed: JAMES ALLEN (his mark ), Nov. Ct. 1787. ASA BRYAN - deed book O-1, p. 199, 20 June 1784 JOHN LEE, JR. of Johnston Co. to CHARLES HINES of Waine Co. for $30; 100 acres part of a tract surveyed by sd. LEE Page 3 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 adj. LEES corner, Middle Prong. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, ASA BRYAN. signed: JOHN LEE, Aug. Ct. 1785. ASA BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 68, 22 May 1788 JOSEPH & UNITY BRIDGERS of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 40 pounds, 250 acres plant. and 2 tracts of land of Little Sw. of Mill C. (1) 100 acres incl. the plant. where sd. JOSEPH BRIDGERS formerly lived (2) 150 acres adj. above tract & WILLIAM LEE. Wit: NATHAN ALLEN, ASA BRYAN. signed: JOSEPH (J) BRIDGERS, UNITY (X) BRIDGERS, Nov. Ct. 1791. ASA BRYAN - deed book D-2, p. 168, 9 March 1804 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA gives Power of Atty. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. to collect debts due me & sell all my lands in Johnston Co. Wit: ASA BRYAN, ASA BRYAN, JR. Signed: JOHN BRYAN, (no rec. date). ASA BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 100, 23 Nov. 1813 PATIENCE SMITH of Johnston Co. to JAMES SMITH of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my children, heirs of the late JOHN SMITH, my dec. husband, all right, title and claims by LW & T, thereunto me moving. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, ASA BRYAN. Signed: PATIENCE (X) SMITH. Feb Ct. 1814. ASA BRYAN - deed book N-2, p. 86, 20 Nov. 1824 WILLIAM ALLEN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $250 , NS Bushes Sw. adj. lands of WILLIAM BRYAN, SIMON. BRYAN, & HARDY BRYAN, being a part of land deeded by ASA BRYAN to his son LEWIS BRYAN, including the plant. where LEWIS BRYAN lives, part of a survey patent to GREEN. Wit: JOSEPH BRYAN, AARON GODWIN. Signed: WILLIAM ALLEN, Nov. Ct. 1825. B. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 136, 19 July 1823 JONATHAN S POWELL of Johnston Co to WASHINGTON & THOMPSON, Merchants, Johnston Co for 73 p. 6 sh. 4d., 3 beds and furn. & all other household furn. & livestock. Wit: B. BRYAN Signed JOHN S POWELL Aug Ct. 1823 B. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 449, 2 March 1825 JOSIAH DEARBORN of town of Madison Grange, OH to GEORGE ALBRIGHT of town of _____ Orange, Co, conveyed to ALBRIGHT all right & power to use... BENJAMIN CUMMING'S Patent Loom, for the term of fourteen years from 3 October 1817. . within the whole Co of Johnston & not elsewhere. . Wit: STUART BOSWORTH, B. BRYAN. Signed: JOSIAH DEARBORN, Feb. Ct. 1825. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book D, p. 99 WILL of ROBERT BRYANT dated 10 December 1760 Prob. Apr. Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT); Son LEWIS; daugs. ELIZABETH, MARY, CHARITY, _____SEY; bro: CHARLES BRYANT; negroes; POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place; DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exc: WILLIAM HINTON, wife & CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELISABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book T-1, p. 366, 24 November 1794 BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Johnston Co. to BRYANT LYNCH of Wayne Co for 25 pounds, 150 acres in Johnston Co. adj. McCONUKEES corner & LANGSTON. Wit: JOEL ALTMAN, THOMAS ALTMAN Signed BENJAMIN. BRYAN Nov. Ct. 1794 BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book U-1, p. 66, 24 Feb. 1795 WILLIAM TAYLOR & w AVEA of Glasgow Co. ABNER PEEPLES & W ADACK, ARCHIBALD PEEPLES & w SARAH of Johnston Co. to BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Johnston Co., whereas JAMES REN late of Johnston Co died leaving legimate issue AVEA w/o WILLIAM TAYLOR, ADACK w/o ABNER PEEPLES, & SARAH w/o ARCHIBALD PEEPLES & no others, for 251 p. 10 sh. 200 acres in Johnston Co. SS Neuse River adj. WILLIAM POOLE & the river. 128 acres above Arthurs Br. adj. Page 4 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN POOL 100 acres adj. his own line BS Arthurs Br. Wit: NATHAN ALLEN, JOHN SMITH Signed: WILLIAM TAYLOR, AVEA (X) TAYLOR, ABNER PEEPLES, ADACK (X) PEEPLES, SARAH (X) PEEPLES, ARCHABALD (X) PEEPLES Feb. Ct. 1795. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 443, 3 Feb. 1789 PATTY LINCH of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM. RYALS of Johnston Co. for 1200 wt. of pork, 200 acres NS Mingo Sw. adJ. BRYAN . . . near head of Stony Fork. Wit: CLEMENT BRYAN, BENJAMIN. BRYAN. Signed PATTY(her mark) LINCH Feb. Ct. 1789. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book Z-1, p. 250, 29 Nov. 1800 BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Jefferson Co. GA Admr of Est. of BENJAMIN WELLONS, dec. late of Johnston Co, leaving ZACHARIAH WELLONS, JOHN WELLONS, WILLIAM WELLONS, JAMES WELLONS, REBECKAH WELLONS, POLLY WELLONS, & JESSE WELLONS his only heirs, for 400 pounds 428 acres Johnston Co SS Neuse River adj. WILLIAM POOL, Arthurs Br. and WILLIAM BRYAN Wit: WILLIAM FARMER, J. BRYAN Signed: BENJAMIN. BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1801. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book A-2, p. 169, 15 Feb. 1802 KEDAR BRYAN of Sampson Co. to BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Jefferson Co. GA, Power of Atty . . . for me to ask & demand. . all or my part of Est. of JOHN SMITH, SR., dec. of State of Tennessee. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, JOHN SASSER. Signed: KEDAR BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1802. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 306, 25 Sept. 1807 CLEMENT BRYAN & BENJAMIN. BRYAN, State of GA to DRURY MASSEY Johnston Co for 40 pounds, two tracts of land (1) 10 acres on Swift Creek & White Oak Branch. . (2) 10 acres on Swift Ck. Adj. CARROL & HENRY JOHNSON line. . . part of tract pat. By JOHN CARROL include. 2 bents of said creek. Wit: BLAKE BRYAN, DRURY MASSEE, JR. Signed: CLEMENT BRYAN, BENJAMIN. BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1807. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 101, 27 May 1817 BENJAMIN. BRYAN and w. POLLY of state of GA to ROBERT GULLEY Johnston Co. for $200 all our interest & claim or share in Est. of real & personal Est of WILLIAM SASSER, dec. of Johnston Co. div. By order of Ct. Feb. 1817 Lot #1 225 acres. Wit: R H HELME, Dd TURNER Signed: BENJAMIN. BRYAN, POLLEY BRYAN, May Ct. 1817. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 84, 4 Sept. 1818 ALLEN S BALLENGER, Shff Johnston Co to JOHN MacCLEOD Johnston Co for $299; 556 acres, order by Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co. 3 tracts of land, WILLIAM SASSER, dec, which descended to LEWIS SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, SUSAHAH STEVENS w/o EDWARD STEVENS, MARY BRYAN w/o BENJAMIN. BRYAN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS, & BETSY WILLIAMS, heirs of WILLIAM SASSER, SR., lands in Johnston Co, part of land purchased from DISMUKES & wife. Wit: RAY HELME, DANIEL BOON; ALLEN S BALLENGER, Shff, May Ct. 1819. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 128, 25 May 1809 ALLEN S BALLENGER Shff of Johnston Co. to JOHN WASHINGTON of Lenior Co. for $700 sold by order of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co. as prop. of WILLIAM SASSER dec. lands that should descend to heirs LEWIS SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, SUSANNAH STEVENS w/o EDWARD STEVENS, MARY BRYAN w/o BENJAMIN. BRYAN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, BETSY WILLIAMS, & SUSANNAH WILLIAMS . . debt of 2,234 p. 9 sh, 4d. . Lot #3 in Smithfield. Wit: P. COLLIER, DAVID THOMSON. A S BALLENGER, Shff, May Ct. 1819. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 136, 9 May 1818 DAVID H. BRYAN CME of Johnston Co. sells to RAY HELME of Johnston Co for $862, lots #21, #22, #23, #24 in town of Smithfield as prop. of LEWIS SASSER, JOHN SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, BENJAMIN. BRYAN & w MARY, EDWARD STEWART & w SUSANNAH, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH Page 5 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 WILLIAMS, BETSY WILLIAMS, SAMUEL G SMITH, LARKIN SMITH, ALVIN L SMITH, JULIA C. SMITH, ROBERT MCKINNE & w ZILPHA, CARAN COBB, CHARLES HAYES & w ANNA, BENNETT BLACKMAN, THOMAS GRAY & w ELIZABETH, THOMAS WEST & w NANCY, & SALLY BLACKMAN. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JONATHAN STEVENS, JR. Signed D. H. BRYAN, CME of Johnston Ct. 1819. BENJAMIN. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 136, 28 Feb. 1821 ALLEN S BALLENGER, Shff Johnston Co, to REUBEN SANDERS Johnston Co for $1, 320, by order of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co, the lands of WILLIAM SASSER which descended to LEWIS SASSER, JOHN SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, SUSANNAH STEVENS w/o EDWARD, MARY BRYAN w/o BENJAMIN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS, & BETSEY WILLIAMS his heirs at law, warrant by REUBEN SANDERS against heirs for debt of $2,234 p. 9sh, 41/2 d with interest from 27 Sept 1818 of 16p 10sh 2d. Wit: R H HELME, B BRIDGERS, WILLIAM M. WHITE. Signed: D. H. BRYAN CME FEB. CT. 1821. BLAKE BRYAN - deed book I-1, 285, 21 Nov. 1778 JESSE ALLEN of Johnston Co to SAMUEL SMITH of Bladen Co. for NL & Aff. & other good causes. . Negroes LEWCEY, PHILLIS & NELL. Wit: W. BRYAN, BLAKE BRYAN Signed: JESSE (X) ALLEN Nov. Ct. 1779. BLAKE BRYAN - deed book O-1, p. 65, 31 Oct. 1783 JOHN BUSH & w. SUSANNA to WILLIAM WARD for 4pounds, Lot #95 in town of Smithfield: Wit: BLAKE BRYAN, JONATHAN. BRYAN _________________(no signature) BLAKE BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 13, 17 July 1791 EDWARD HARRISS of Craven Co to JOHN BRYAN, JR, Johnston Co for 100 pounds 640 acres in Western Dist of state aforesaid NS Obion River adj. JAMES MARTIN & HARRIS, being a warrant taken p by LENIOR. Wit: BLAKE BRYAN, M. GILLIS, signed: ED HARRIS, Aug. Ct. 1791. BLAKE BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 90, 1 March 1792 BENJAMIN & JAMES COBB of Wayne Co. & Nash Co, to BRYAN WHITFIELD for 70 pounds, 2 lots in Smithfield, # 35 & #36 which COBB bought from THOMAS GRAY 11 October 1786. Wit: EDWIN SMITH, BLAKE BRYAN, GEORGE PARISH. Signed: BANJA COBB, JAMES COBB, Feb. Ct. 1792. BLAKE BRYAN - deed book V-1, p. 175, 26 Aug. 1794 LEMUEL TAYLOR of Sampson Co, AGGA LYNCH, MILBERRY LYNCH & ELLENDER LYNCH of Johnston Co. to JOHN BRYAN, JR. Johnston Co. for 100 pounds, 250 acres in Johnston Co. our undivided Moiety of land SS Black Ck. Include. The Mrsh above Spikes Path, which desc. To them by the death of PATTY LYNCH. . adj. JONATHAN SMITH, JOHN SMITH & near the mouth of Pole Cat Br. Wit: ROBERT GULLEY, JR., SALATHIEL HOLTON, ARTHUR VERA, BLAKE BRYAN, Signed: LEMUEL TAYLOR, AGGA (X) LYNCH, AGG (P) LYNCH, MILBERRY (X) LYNCH, ELLENER (X) LYNCH. BLAKE BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 306, 25 Sept. 1807 CLEMENT BRYAN & BENJAMIN. BRYAN, State of GA to DRURY MASSEY Johnston Co for 40 pounds, two tracts of land (1) 10 acres on Swift Creek & White Oak Branch. . (2) 10 acres on Swift Ck. Adj. CARROL & HENRY JOHNSON line. . . part of tract pat. By JOHN CARROL include. 2 bents of said creek. Wit: BLAKE BRYAN, DRURY MASSEE, JR. Signed: CLEMENT BRYAN, BENJAMIN. BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1807. BYTHAN BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 48, 9 Nov. 1816 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. and RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. to REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co. wheres a marriage is intended shortly between LEWIS WHITFIELD & PATSY BRYAN, it is the intention that land & negroes should be conveyed to PATSY HINTON, to her own & separate use if PATSEY die, without further issue the and & negroes to equally divided between children of BYTHON, NANCY, AND THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: BRYAN WHITFIELD, JR, WILLIAM Page 6 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 W. BRYAN, JOSHUA R. HINTON. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, PATSEY BRYAN, RANS HINTON, Feb Ct. 1816. BYTHAN BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 397, 1 June 1824 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. from a principle of justice towards BYTHAN BRYAN & NANCY BRYAN, children of my present wife PATSY WHITFIELD. . relinquish all right & quit claim to anything that may be coming to me, as the husband of PATSY WHITFIELD by the death of her husband THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: GEO. BARBER, JR. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, Aug. Ct. 1824. CHARITY BRYAN, deed book D, p. 99 Will of ROBERT BRYANT, dated 10 December 1760, prob. April Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT), son LEWIS [BRYANT], daug: ELIZABETH [BRYANT], MARY [BRYANT], CHARITY [BRYANT], _________SEY; bro. CHARLES BRYANT; negroes POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place, DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exec. WILLIAM HINTON, wife, & CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELIZABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. CHARITY BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 163; 7 February 1774 SIMON SALTER & w MARY of Granville Co. SC to DAVID HOLLIMAN of Johnston Co. for 30 pounds, 305 acres BS Little River adj Cattail Br. being part of tract granted to ROBERT BRYANT, dec. by GRANVILLE. Wit: WILLIAM BANKS, JOHN LEE, CHARITY BRYANT. Signed: SIMON (X) SALTER, MARY (X) SALTER, Aug Ct. 1774. CHARLES BRYAN - deed book D, p99 Will of ROBERT BRYANT, dated 10 December 1760, prob. April Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT), son LEWIS, daug: ELIZABETH, MARY, CHARITY, _________SEY; bro. CHARLES BRYANT; negroes POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place, DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exec. WILLIAM HINTON, wife, & CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELIZABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 443, 3 Feb. 1789 PATTY LINCH of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM. RYALS of Johnston Co. for 1200 wt. of pork, 200 acres NS Mingo Sw. adJ. BRYAN . . . near head of Stony Fork. Wit: CLEMENT BRYAN, BENJAMIN. BRYAN. Signed PATTY (her mark) LINCH Feb. Ct. 1789. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 24, 11 Aug. 1790 ALEXANDER SMITH of Johnston Co to CLEMENT BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 50 pounds, 300 acres on Black Ck. adj. CLEMENT BRYAN line. . a tract given to ALEXANDER SMITH by his father SAMUEL SMITH, now deceased. Wit: WILLIAM BLUNT, ABSALOM WOODALL. Signed: ALEXR. SMITH, Aug Ct. 1791. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book V-1, p. 251, 3 March 1796 SHADRACK EASON of Johnston Co sells to LOVERY BRYAN of Johnston Co for 150 pounds, negro woman DINER ca. 25 years & her child EASTER ca. 11 mos. . . mares & horses, four feather beds & furniture, all household & kitchen furniture, all plant utensils. Wit: NATHAN ALLEN, CLEMENT BRYAN. Signed: SHARDACK EASON, May Ct. 1796. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book B-2, p. 49, 18 Sept. 1794 JAMES STEVENSON & JAMES LANGDON of Johnston Co. to SARAH STEVENSON of Johnston Co being heirs of Est. of SOLOMON STEVENSON, JR.(sic) . . such part of Est. as appears by LW &T to SARAH, his wife, as her right & to dispose of as she pleases. Wit: CLEMENT BRYAN. Signed: JAMES (J) STEVENSON, JAMES LANGDON, May Ct. 1802. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book D -2, p. 116, 17 Nov. 1800 JOHN ROSSER of Cumberland Co to MARY ANN LOVE d/o NEIL LOVE of Fayetteville for $160, 325 acres Mingo Swamp Page 7 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 adj. WILLIAM RYALS & CLEMENT BRYAN . . . part of a survey to JOHN RYALS 19 July 1799. Wit: POTTS, ROSSER. Signed: JOHN ROSSER, May Ct. 1804. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 122, 21 Sept. 1804 WINFIELD WRIGHT of Washington Co. GA to SAMUEL DURHAM of Washington Co. GA, for $150, 200 acres land adj. WILLIAM WRIGHT, JOHN MANN WRIGHT, NATHAN WILLIAMS, MICHAEL CONALLY, CLEMENT BRYAN, JONES MACES. . . granted to WINFIELD WRIGHT by GOV. WILLIAMS. Wit: WILLIAM DURHAM, JAMES DURHAM Signed: WINGFIELD WRIGHT. Nov. Ct. 1806. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 306, 25 Sept. 1807 CLEMENT BRYAN & BENJAMIN. BRYAN, State of GA to DRURY MASSEY Johnston Co for 40 pounds, two tracts of land (1) 10 acres on Swift Creek & White Oak Branch. . (2) 10 acres on Swift Ck. Adj. CARROL & HENRY JOHNSON line. . . part of tract pat. By JOHN CARROL include. 2 bents of said creek. Wit: BLAKE BRYAN, DRURY MASSEE, JR. Signed: CLEMENT BRYAN, BENJAMIN. BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1807. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 14, 9 Jan. 1815 MOSES NICHOLS & w NANCY of Johnston Co. to SAMUEL CARR of Johnston Co. for $150; 77 acres BS Lisha Br. adj. WILLIAM RYALS & CLEMENT BRYAN. Wit: HORATIO GRIFFIN, MISS SARY HILL d/o GREEN HILL. Signed: MOSES (X) NICHOLS, NANCY (X) NICHOLS, Feb. Ct. 1823. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 79, 18 March 1823 NATHAN PORTER of Johnston Co. to JOHN HODGES of Cumberland Co. for $200, (1) 65 acres ES Mingo & Cumberland line, (2) 81 acres adj. CLEMENT BRYAN, Beards Br. & DRED MOORE part of survey to BENJ WRIGHT 5 April 1798. (3) 66 acres run of Mingo, Cumberland line... part of survey to SOLOMON OTLIN, total 218 acres. Wit: JOEL PORTER, JAMES HODGES, FREDRICK HOLMS. Signed: NATHAN PORTER, May Ct. 1823. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 166; 20 Sept. 1813 CLEMENT A. BRYAN of Montgomery Co. GA to ZILPHA BAGGETT of Twiggs Co. GA for $120 , 250 acres in Johnston Co SS Neuse River on the Juniper and head of Burnell. Wit: WILLIAM RYALS, NEEDM SMITH. Signed CLEMENT BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1823. CLEMENT BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 199; 9 Feb. 1824 JEREMIAH SIMS of Johnston Co to JESSE JERNIGAN of Duplin Co for $350, 217 acres adj. NATHAN WILLIAMS, JOHN WRIGHT, CLEMENT BRYANT. Wit: JACOB WOODALL, REUBEN HOBBY. Signed: JEREMIAH SIMS, Feb. CT. 1824. D. H. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 166; 24 September 1811 HARDY BRYAN JR of Johnston Co. sells to NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR, of Johnston Co for 200 pounds a negro man GUILFORD ca. 29 years. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed HARDY BRYAN, Nov. Ct 1817. D. H. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 209; 2 Sept. 1817 JOHN McCULLERS of Johnston Co. sells to HARRY BRYAN for $525.25, a negro man NEED which I bought at sale of prop. of HARDY BRYAN dec. by his Admr. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: JONATHAN McCULLERS, Feb. Ct. 1820. D. H. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 210; 2 Sept. 1817 WILLIAM W. BRYAN & HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co sells to JOHN McCULLERS of Johnston Co for $525.25, a negro man NED, part of Est. of HARDY BRYAN, dec. Wit: D. H. BRYAN, Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, Adm. , Feb Ct. 1820. D. H. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 212, 25 February 1818 JOHN McCULLERS of Johnston Co to Pheraby Helme for LGW & Aff. To my dau, w/o ROBERT H HELME, a negro SILVA and her increase. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed JONATHAN McCULLERS, Feb Ct. 1820. Page 8 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 D. H. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 108, April, 1820 PAYTON VINSON of Johnston Co sells to SAMUEL G SMITH & RAY HELME of Johnston Co. for $900, negroes JACK ca. 42 yrs, TEMPY ca. 28 yrs, YORK ca. 4 yrs, HAYWOOD ca. 2 yrs, infant male JACK ca 20 days. . . Wit: D. H. BRYAN, A S BALLENGER. Signed: PAYTON VINSON, Nov. Ct. 1820. D. H. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 136, 28 Feb. 1821 ALLEN S BALLENGER, Shff. of Johnston Co to REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co for $1,320, by order of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co, the lands of WILLIAM SASSER which descended to LEWIS SASSER, JOHN SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, SUSANNAH STEVENS w/o EDWARD, MARY BRYAN w/o BENJAMIN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS & BETSEY WILLIAMS his heirs at law, warrant by REUBEN SANDERS against heirs for debt of 2,239 pounds 9 sh 4 1/2 d with interest from 27 September 1818 of 16 pounds 10 sh 2 d. Wit: R H HELME, B BRIDGERS, WILLIAM M WHITE. Signed: D. H. BRYAN CME, Feb Ct. 1821. D. H. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 223, (no date) WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN & D. H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to PHILLIP JOHNSON of Johnston Co for $437.50; 350 acres in Cumberland Co ES Black River in Turkey Pen Br., grant to CHARLES FALKNER 9 March Wit: JONATHAN MacLEOD, JAMES FARRIOR. Signed WILLIAM M. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN, D. H. BRYAN, 25 Sept. 1821. D. H. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 239, 28 March 1820 JOEL RIVERS of Johnston Co. sells to DAVID LUNCEFORD of Johnston Co. for $499.05 a negro man BRICKLE. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: JOEL RIVERS, Aug. Ct. 1821. D. H. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 275, 26 January 1820 A S BALLENGER Shff of Johnston Co to WILLIAM H GUY of Johnston Co for $80, negroes JUDEA, PHEBE & JOE . . . sold as prop. of JOHN SANDERS, Admr. of WILLIAM SASSER dec & SAMUEL G SMITH, Adm. Of PATSEY SPIVEY dec. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: A S BALLENGER Shff, Nov. Ct. 1821. D. H. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 451, 23 Feb. 1823 NEEDHAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co to LYDIA MCCULLERS of Johnston Co for $319.25, for 25 barrels of corn, 43 lb bacon, bed & furn. , livestock debt due. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: NEEDHAM W. BRYAN 25 March 1823. D. H. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 452, 28 March 1825 ELY CLARK of Johnston Co to JOHN B. ALLEN & WILLIAM HENRY GUY of Johnston Co for $55, cattle, horses, hogs, 3 beds and furniture & all household furn... Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: ELY CLARK (no court date). DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 391, 15 June 1818 HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. . . . 25 April 1815 HARDY BRYAN died intestate. . land BS Middle Ck. including the plant. & dwelling house of sd dec., 2,176 acres adj. JAMES DURHAM, JOHN AVERA, REUBEN SANDERS, ABNER PEEPLES, DAVID AVERA & heirs of HENRY AVERA . . which lands descended to afore sd HARRY, NEEDHAM, DAVID & WILLIAM W. BRYAN, the only heirs & rep. of dec. all (4) of lawful age . . to WILLIAM W. BRYAN - the share of same on BS Ck. including plantation whereon NATHANIEL GILES formerly lived, & where WILLIAM W. BRYAN lately lived 362 acres. Wit: ETHELDRED BELL, JONATHAN WELLONS. Signed: HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1818. DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 136, 9 May 1818 DAVID H. BRYAN CME of Johnston Co. sells to RAY HELME of Johnston Co for $862, lots #21, #22, #23, #24 in town of Smithfield as prop. of LEWIS SASSER, JOHN SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, BENJAMIN. BRYAN Page 9 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 & w MARY, EDWARD STEWART & w SUSANNAH, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS, SAMUEL G SMITH, LARKIN SMITH, ALVIN L SMITH, JULIA C. SMITH, ROBERT MCKINNE & w ZILPHA, CARAN COBB, CHARLES HAYES & w ANNA, BENNETT BLACKMAN, THOMAS GRAY & w ELIZABETH, THOMAS WEST & w NANCY, & SALLY BLACKMAN. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JONATHAN. STEVENS, JR. Signed: D. H. BRYAN CME of Johnston Ct, May 1819. DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 76, June 1818 WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co. 547 acres total . . . HARDY BRYAN died ca. 24 April 1815 intestate . . . HARRY BRYAN share - adj. NS Middle Ck., HENRY AVERA dec heirs, JAMES DURHAM, upper Juniper Br. adj. DAVID AVERA & REUBEN SANDERS lines. Wit: JAMES WELLONS, ETHELDRED BELL. Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1820. DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 97, 27 March 1823 ELISHA STARLING & w PRISCILLA 1st part, DAVID H. BRYAN 2nd part, & DAVID THOMSON 3RD part . . . DAVID THOMSON stands bound as Sec. For STARLING by a note payable to JONATHAN SILLIVANT for $90. . note to JOSIAH HOULDER for $31. . indebted to WASH. & THOM. $50 & $15. . to DAVID THOMSON 1/9 undivided part of MATTHEW PARKER lands & 1/9 part of slaves. Wit: ETHLD FUTRELL, JR. Signed: ELISHA STARLING, PRISCILLA (X) STARLING, D. H. BRYAN, DAVID THOMSON, Mar. 1823. DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 248, 7 April 1824 JOHN FELLOW of Sampson Co & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. to HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co., JOHN FELLOW stands indebted to HARRY BRYAN $662.45 for promises & 50 sh pd by DAVID H. BRYAN. . . all right, title & interest to Est. of HARDY BELL, dec, by virtue of the intermarriage with the sister of HARDY BELL. Wit: JOS BLACKMAN, HENRY BARNES. Signed JONATHAN FELLOWS, D. H. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, May Ct. 1824. DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 409, 24 Aug. 1824 DAVID H. BRYAN, Clerk & Master of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co. September term 1821: Pet. of HARRY BRYAN & wife SUSANNA; JOHN SELLERS & w ANNE; JOSIAH BLACKMAN & ESTHER BLACKMAN, infants by their Guard. HARRY BRYAN; of WILLIAM BLACKMAN, LOUISA BLACKMAN, POLLY & JOSIAH BLACKMAN, infant children of WILLIAM BLACKMAN dec, by their Guard. JOHN SELLERS; POLLY FELLOWS, ESTHER FELLOWS & JOSEPH JOSIAH FELLOWS infants of SALLY FELLOWS, dec. by JOHN FELLOWS their Guard. That ESTHER BLACKMAN late of Sampson Co. departed this life ca. 1819 having land in Johnston Co adj. JOHN WILLIAMS, ISAAAC WILLIAMS, JANE WILLIAMS, SALLY GRICE & JOHN SELLERS, cont. ca. 1,015 acres . . sd intestate left to children & grandchildren. . that the sd lands be sold. . when JOHN SANDERS, SR. became the highest bidder for $6,031. Wit: JOHN T. BOSWORTH, THOS RICE. Signed: D. H. BRYAN, Clerk & Master Johnston Co Aug. Ct. 1824. DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 447, 27 May 1824 HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co to EDWIN SMITH & NEEDHAM G. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $5. For 500 acres land BS Middle Ck. adj. DAVID H. BRYAN, lands tht fell to HARRY BRYAN by the death of my father HARDY BRYAN dec. Wit: JAMES DODD, JO BLACKMAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1825. DAVID H. BRYAN - deed book N-2, p. 98, 1 December 1825 DAVID H. BRYAN CME of Johnston Co. whereas HARDY AVERA & w POLLY, JOEL RIVERS, RICHARD RIVERS, LEWIS RIVERS, GRIZZA ANN RIVERS, ELIZABETH RIVERS, POLLY SCOTT & ELIZABETH SCOTT. . . that they are entitled as tenants in common with REDDICK HUGHES & w GILLY, to tract of land in Johnston Co, on waters of Poplar Br. adj ALEXANDER AVERA, WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN SMITH, ROBERT WHITTINGTON, 250 acres . . exposed for public sale to BRASWELL Page 10 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 BRIDGERS for $250. Wit: RAY HELME, HARRY BRYAN. Signed: D. G. BRYAN, CME Johnston Co Ct. 1825. DD BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 326, 9 March 1813, STARLING JOHNSON of Johnston Co. to JOHN MCCULLERS of Johnston Co for 100 pounds, WILLIAM BRYAN & WILLIAM GARNER to value & verify, JOHN MCCULLERS rebuilding a mill across Judys Hole. Wit: DD BRYAN. Signed: STARLING JOHNSON, Feb. Ct. 1822. EDNEY BRYAN - deed book O-1,p. 152, 23 Feb. 1776 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co. to EDNEY BRYAN & RIDLEY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my daus. . . 320 acres on Marks Ck. . . being part of a tract taken up by WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his lifetime . . the deed. . now in hands of Colo. NEEDHAM BRYAN. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1780. EDWARD BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 487, 31 March 1797 JONATHAN PARKER & w ANNA formerly ANNA RATLIFF of WashingtonCo. GA to NATHAN POWELL of Louisville GA for $200, all right & title to 1/6 part of lands in Johnston Co being the prop. of NICHOLAS PORTER dec. also 1/6 part of land poss. by PORTER RATLIFF, dec, in Johnston Co. Wit: JOSEPH CHEARS, JONATHAN SEARCY, REDDDEN RATLIFF. Signed: JONATHAN PARKER, ANNA (X) PARKER. ANNA PARKER priv. exam. by EDWARD BRYAN, JP, & CHARLES RAY, JP 31 March 1797. ELBERT BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 133, 16 January 1821 HERBERT ROBINSON of Johnston Co. of 1st part, RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. of 2nd part, JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston 3rd part, & ELIZABETH H. BRYAN w/o JOHN A. BRYAN & MARY ELIZA BRYAN, JOHN HENRY BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN & EVELINE BRYAN , children of sd JOHN A. BRYAN & ELIZABETH BRYAN of 4th part, that HERBERT ROBINSON being desirous of providing for the aforesaid ELIZABETH'S maintainance during her natural life. . provisions shall not be affected by any debts or contracts of her husband, for NL & consideration of 5 sh. paid to him by said RANSOM HINTON. . . the following negroes & their increase either by keeping them in her service or receiving the proceeds of their hire as she may need from time to time . . DICE, CANDIS, PHILIS, CLARY, CHAPPEL, HARRIET, & ZILLA. . free from the control of her husband during the time of her natural life . . . and at her death, sd RANSOM HINTON shall divide the same between her children of her present or future husband. . . if at her death she leaves no living issue, sd negroes & their increase, in trust, be divided equally among the children of WILLIS HINTON. Wit: CHS. W. LEE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, R. HINTON, JOHN A. BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, 17 Jan. 1821. ELBERT BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 11, 2 May 1821 HERBERT ROBERTSON of Johnston Co. to JOHN H. BRYAN, MARY BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, EVELINE BRYAN, children of JOHN A. BRYAN & his wife ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my grandchildren, thereunto me moving. . . all good, chattels, 3 beds & furn. household furn., 1 still with implements, all hogs, 2 walnut tables, 1 bofat, 6 pewter basons, & 6 pewter plates, 15 chairs, all earthen ware & wood ware, 3 covered trunks, 2 woolen wheels 1 grindstone. Wit: WILLIAM BATTLE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, Feb. Ct. 1823. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book D-1, p. 166, 10 July 1764 JOHN SMITH, SR. of Johnston Co, to ELIZABETH BRYANT of Johnston Co. for LGW & Aff. to my grand-daughter, negro girl MILEY ca. 10 years, now in care & poss. of WILLIAM BRYANT. Wit: JOHN SMITH, SR. ALEX SMITH. Signed JOHN SMITH. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book D, p. 99 Will of ROBERT BRYANT, dated 10 December 1760, prob. April Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT), son LEWIS, daug: ELIZABETH, Page 11 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 MARY, CHARITY, _________SEY; bro. CHARLES BRYANT; negroes POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place, DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exec. WILLIAM HINTON, wife, & CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELIZABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 84, 24 Jan. 1783 ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. to JOHN BRYAN, of Johnston Co. for L & Aff. to my son, 168 acres Johnston Co. SS Neuse River, land granted to her by deed of sale from Col. JOHN SMITH 21 Aug. 1782, adj. SMITH & WILLIAM BRYAN, the River bank & WILLIAM BRYAN, dec. Wit: ARTHUR BRYAN, J. BUSH. Signed: ELIZABETH BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1783. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 392, 5 April 1791 ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. to SUSANNAH BUSH of Wilkes Co. GA for GW & Aff. to my beloved dau. a negro girl PRUDENCE ca. 8/9 years. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, JOHN BRYAN, JR. Signed: ELIZABETH (X) BRYAN, May Ct. 1791. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 70, 2 December 1795 LOVERD BRYAN & w ELIZABETH of Johnston Co. to BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, JR. of Johnston Sto. for 400 pound, 2 tracts of land in Green Co. TN (1) 400 acres on Bull Run . . adj. JOSEPH GREENS corner. . granted to ELIZ. GREEN 11 july 1788. . (2) 400 acres WS Clinch Mts. on Flat Ck granted to ELIZ. GREEN 11 July 1788. Wit: WILLIAM HINTON, MATT CULLERS. Signed: LOVERD BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, May Ct. 1806. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 59, 14 Aug. 1813 HERBERT ROBERTSON of Johnston Co to ELIZABETH H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. now w/o JOHN A. BRYAN, for NL & Aff. to my dau & her lawful issue. . . negroes DICY, CLARY, child CANDAS & child FILLIS & their increase. Wit: CHARLES COPELAND, OSBORN SNIPES. Signed: H ROBERTSON, Aug. Ct. 1813. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book L-2, pl 133, 16 January 1821 HERBERT ROBINSON of Johnston Co. of 1st part, RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. of 2nd part, JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston 3rd part, & ELIZABETH H. BRYAN w/o JOHN A. BRYAN & MARY ELIZA BRYAN, JOHN HENRY BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN & EVELINE BRYAN , children of sd JOHN A & ELIZABETH BRYAN of 4th part, that HERBERT ROBINSON being desirous of providing for the aforesaid ELIZABETH'S maintainance during her natural life. . provisions shall not be affected by any debts or contracts of her husband, for NL & consideration of 5 sh. paid to him by said RANSOM HINTON. . . the following negroes & their increase either by keeping them in her service or receiving the proceeds of their hire as she may need from time to time . . DICE, CANDIS, PHILIS, CLARY, CHAPPEL, HARRIET, & ZILLA. . free from the control of her husband during her natural life . . . and at her death, sd RANSOM HINTON shall divide the same between her children of her present or future husband. . . if at her death she leaves no living issue, sd negroes & their increase, in trust, be divided equally among the children of WILLIS HINTON. Wit: CHS. W. LEE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, R. HINTON, JOHN A. BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, 17 Jan. 1821. ELIZABETH BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 11, 2 May 1821 HERBERT ROBERTSON of Johnston Co. to JOHN H. BRYAN, MARY BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, EVELINE BRYAN, children of JOHN A. BRYAN & his wife ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my grandchildren, thereunto me moving. . . all good, chattels, 3 beds & furn. household furn., 1 still with implements, all hogs, 2 walnut tables, 1 bofat, 6 pewter basons, & 6 pewter plates, 15 chairs, all earthen ware & wood ware, 3 covered trunks, 2 woolen wheels 1 grindstone. Wit: WILLIAM BATTLE. Signed: H Robertson, Feb. Ct. 1823. Page 12 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 EVELINE BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 11, 2 May 1821 HERBERT ROBERTSON of Johnston Co. to JOHN H. BRYAN, MARY BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, EVELINE BRYAN, children of JOHN A. BRYAN & his wife ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my grandchildren, thereunto me moving. . . all good, chattels, 3 beds & furn. household furn., 1 still with implements, all hogs, 2 walnut tables, 1 bofat, 6 pewter basons, & 6 pewter plates, 15 chairs, all earthen ware & wood ware, 3 covered trunks, 2 woolen wheels 1 grindstone. Wit: WILLIAM BATTLE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, Feb. Ct. 1823 EVELINE BRYAN - deed book L-2, pl 133, 16 January 1821 HERBERT ROBINSON of Johnston Co. of 1st part, RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. of 2nd part, JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston 3rd part, & ELIZABETH H. BRYAN w/o JOHN A. BRYAN & MARY ELIZA BRYAN, JOHN HENRY BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN & EVELINE BRYAN, children of sd JOHN A. BRYAN & ELIZABETH BRYAN of 4th part, that HERBERT ROBINSON being desirous of providing for the aforesaid ELIZABETH'S maintainance during her natural life. . provisions shall not be affected by any debts or contracts of her husband, for NL & consideration of 5 sh. paid to him by said RANSOM HINTON. . . the following negroes & their increase either by keeping them in her service or receiving the proceeds of their hire as she may need from time to time . . DICE, CANDIS, PHILIS, CLARY, CHAPPEL, HARRIET, & ZILLA. . free from the control of her husband for her natural life . . . and at her death, sd RANSOM HINTON shall divide the same between her children of her present or future husband. . . if at her death she leaves no living issue, sd negroes & their increase, in trust, be divided equally among the children of WILLIS HINTON. Wit: CHS. W. LEE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, R. HINTON, JOHN A. BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, 17 Jan. 1821. FREDRICK. BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 342, 20 May 1777 THOMAS HARRELL & w ESTHER of Martin Co to FREDRICK. BRYAN of Pitt Co for 25 pounds, 390 acres Johnston Co. plant. . . that was prop. of THOMAS HARRELL father of ESTHER, spouse of THOMAS HARRELL. Wit: WILLIAM LAMB, ABRAHAM ANDREWS. Signed: THOMAS HARRELL, ESTHER (X) HARRELL. FREDRICK. BRYAN - deed book I-1, p. 39, 15 Oct. 1777 FREDRICK. BRYAN of Pitt Co. to CHARLES RUSSELL of Johnston Co. for 100 pounds, 390 acres in Johnston Co. NS Neuse River. . . land which FB bought of THOMAS HARRELL & w ESTHER. Wit: KEDAR POWELL, WILLIAM FARMER. Signed: FREDRICK. BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1777. FREDRICK. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 205, 20 May 1817 JOHN GULLEY, GEORGE GULLEY, JOHN G. GULLEY, ROBERT GULLEY, JR, NATHAN GULLEY, JOHN WALL & w MARY, FREDRICK. BRYAN & w SALLY, DAVID LUNSFORD & w NANCE of Johnston Co, to ENOCH WHITLEY for $5., all right & title & claim or share of land adj. WATSON & GEO WIMBERLY bought by ROBERT GULLEY, dec. from BRYAN GREEN. Wit: W. RICHARDSON, WILLIE WHITLEY. Signed: JOHN GULLEY, SR., JOHN G GULLEY, GEORGE GULLEY, JOHN (X) WALL, MARY (X) WALL, FREDRICK. BRYAN, SALLEY (X) BRYAN. Aug. Ct. 1817. FREDRICK. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 226, 2 Oct. 1812 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co to FREDRICK. BRYAN of Johnston for NL & Aff. to my son 150 acres Harris Br. incl. the plant. adj. JAMES BRYAN. Wit. THOMAS O'NEAL, ROBERT BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS (B) BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1818. GAIL BRYAN - deed book F-2, p. 79, 29 Nov. 1803 RICHARD WARREN of Johnston Co to ISAIAH WARREN for LGW & Aff. To my son (1) 450 acres land include. Plant. Where I now live... (2) 200 acres NS Neuse above mouth of Mocoson SW., pat. by GAIL BRYAN. . . (3) 90 acres NS Neuse adj. above tract. . . (4) 200 acres conv. By deed from ELIJAH WARREN, all household goods & chatels, 7 negroes - HANNAH, CESAR, Page 13 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 BRITAIN, NANCE, ROBIN, DINAH, CHARLES & their increase & all livestock. Wit: JONATHAN WILLIAMS, B STEVENS. Signed: RICHARD WARREN, Aug. Ct. 1809. HARDY BRYAN - deed book E-1, P. 95, 3 April 1766 STEPHEN BLACKMAN of Johnston Co to HENRY JERNIGAN of Johnston Co for 160 pounds 3 tracts, part in Dobbs Co on Mill Ck. & part in Johnston on the fork of Mill Ck & Neuse River (1) tracts taken up by MARK PHILLIPS, to HARDY BRYAN, to JOHN BRYAN, and then to BENNET BLACKMAN, then to his son STEPHEN BLACKMAN 240 acres (2) 70 acres on Mill Ck. pat. to BENNET BLACKMAN 23 April 1763. Wit: ISAAC WILLIAMS, LEWIS JERNIGAN. Signed: STEPHEN BLACKMAN, Oct. Ct. 1766. HARDY BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 392, 5 April 1791 ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co to SUSANNAH BUSH of Wilks Co. GA for GW & Aff. To my beloved dau. A negro girl PRUDENCE ca. 8/9 yrs. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, JOHN BRYAN, JR. Signed: ELIZABETH (X) BRYAN, May Ct. 1791. HARDY BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 66, 26 Feb. 1788 JONATHAN SMITH to LYDA MCCULLERS, for L& Aff. To my beloved sister in law, & other good causes, a negro boy named HAMTON. Wit: J McCULLERS, HARDY BRYAN. Signed: JONATHAN SMITH, Feb. Ct. 1788. HARDY BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p.159, 6 May 1788 ARTHUR BRYAN Shff of Johnston Co. to JOSEPH BOON, JR. of Johnston Co., whereas the sd JOSEPH BOON . . recovered a judgement against ELIZABETH EDWARDS, Admx. Of Est. of WILLIAMS EDWARDS, dec. for 60 pounds 12 sh & cost . . for the judgement did levy the same on a parcel of land & sold same . .to JOSEPH BOON,JR., highest bidder for 5 pounds (1) 250 acres on Moccoson Sw., Middle Turkey Br. adj. NATHAN GURLEY. . . (2) 200 acres tract adj. above land, STEVEN EDWARDS & HENRY RAINS. Wit: JARY POWELL , HARDY BRYAN. Signed: ARTHUR BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1788. HARDY BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 158, 9 Aug. 1774 WILLIAM BRYAN, Esq. of Johnston Co. to LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co., for paternal love 100 acres on NS Neuse River, the same tract by Deed of Gift from ISAAC WILLIAMS to JOHN DURHAM, part of land taken up by GEORGE POOL 7 part by JAMES STALLIONS. Wit: WILLIAM WARD, HARDY BRYAN. Aug. Ct. 1774. HARDY BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 300, 3 April 1775 ELIZABETH NICHOLS & PHEREBY NICHOLS of Johnston Co.. To MARY BALLANGER of Johnston Co. for 6 pounds, 10 sh, 25 acres SS Neuse River bank above Beals Ck. as by the deed given to BENJAMIN NICHOLS. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, W. BRYAN, JOHN BALLENGER. Signed: ELIZABETH (her mark) NICHOLS. HARDY BRYAN - deed book H-1, 313, 26 MAY 1777 WILLIAM BRYAN, Esq. of Johnston Co to HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co.for NL & Aff. To my son, land whereon he now lives, 200 acres NS Middle Ck. Granville line, adj. NATHANIEL GILES line. Wit: WILLIAM WARD, BLAKE BRYAN. Signed: W. BRYAN HARDY BRYAN - deed book L-1, p. 180, 31 May 1781 JOHN MACOY of Johnston Co sells to DELILAH MCCOY of Johnston Co for 200 pounds, 2 cows & calves. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, JOHN BEDDINGFIELD. Signed JOHN MCCOY (his mark), Nov. Ct. 1781. HARDY BRYAN - deed book L-1, p. 186, 9 March 1782 SARAH BRYAN of Johnston Co to LEWIS BRYAN for NL & Aff. To son, all that land on Marks Ck. which came to her by will of WILLIAM HINTON her father. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, BAML WILLIAMS. Signed: SARAH BRYAN, May Ct. 1782. Page 14 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 HARDY BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 97, 4 January 1792 WILLIAM GILES of Johnston Co. to JOHN GILES of Lenoir Co. for 170 pounds tracts (1) 100 acres NS Middle Ck. where NATHANIEL GILES dec. lived adj. COLO. HARDY BRYAN, JOHN GILES, & WILLIAM BRYAN... being part of tract granted to WILLIAM BRYAN 17 December 1764 . . (2) 105 acres SS Middle Ck. adj. above tract, WILLIAM BRYAN, Juniper Br.... part of tract pat. by WILLIAM BRYAN 21 April 1755 conv. To WILLIAM GILES. . . other part of pat. by JOHN GILES & by him to NATHANIEL GILES by his LW & T. Wit: ETHELD SMITH, ALEXDR AVERA, ALEXANDER PENNY. Signed: WILLIAM (X) GILES, Feb. Ct. 1792. HARDY BRYAN - deed book T-1, p. 41; 29 May 1793 THOMAS AVERA of Johnston Co. to HENRY AVERA of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to his brother, 390 acres adj HARDY BRYAN Esq., THOMAS AVERA, Steep Hill Br. where it enters Midle Ck. . . being part of 2 surveys which fell to sd THOMAS AVERA by death of his father. Wit: JOHN ROSSER, HENRY BLURTON, NEHAMIAH SMITH. Signed: THOMAS (X) AVERA, May Ct. 1793. HARDY BRYAN - deed book T-1, p. 155, 1 July 1793 LEWIS JERNIGAN, SR. heir at law of HENRY JERNIGAN, dec. to JOHN ATKINSON of Johnston Co. for 250 pounds, plant. Where ANNE JERNIGAN, lately dec. with 3 tracts, being part in Wayne Co. and Johnston Co. (1) 200 acres BS Mill Ck. at the fork of the Neuse River, (2) 240 acres upper side of Mill Ck. adj. THOMAS THORNTON, WILLIAM CRAFFORD, MARK PHILLIPS line. Granted to MARK PHILLIPS & conv. To HARDY BRYAN, to JOHN BRYAN, to JOHN WILLIAMSON, to BENNET BLACKMAN & willed by BENNET BLACKMAN to his son STEPHEN BLACKMAN, and conv. By him to HENRY JERNIGAN. . . (3) 70 acres on Mill Ck. granted to sd BENNET BLACKMAN Wit: LEWIS JERNIGAN, JR, J WARREN. Signed: LEWIS JERNIGAN, Nov. Ct. 1793. HARDY BRYAN - deed book T-1, p. 250, 26 May 1789 WILLIAM WARD of Wayne Co. to WILLIAM BRACEWELL of Johnston Co for 75 pounds, 200 acres Johnston Co SS Neuse River on a br of Black Ck. called Juniper Br. a grant to DAVID WHIMPEE 12 Dec. 1778 #32 . . . (2) 50 acres adj. above tract. Wit: R SANDERS, HARDY BRYAN. Signed: WILLIAM WARD, May Ct. 1794. HARDY BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 119, 6 April 1797 JOSEPH HINTON of Chatham Co. to LEWIS BRYAN orphan of LEWIS BRYAN dec. for 20 pounds, quit claim for 260 acres on Marks Ck. . . the land which WILLIAM HINTON dec. by his LW & T devised to his sau. SARAH HINTON. Wit: JOHN WHITINGTON, HARDY BRYAN. Signed: JOSEPH HINTON, May ct. 1797. HARDY BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 120, 23 May 1797 YOUNG BRIDGERS of Johnston Co. to JOHN BRYAN & JAMES FROST of Johnston Co. for 40 sh. 2 acres on BS Cooper Br. . . being same place & land which sd YOUNG BRIDGERS formed & raised a Grist Mill . . . about 1/4 of a mile from the mouth of Cooper Br. Wit: AVENTON AVERA, SAMUEL AVERA. Signed: YOUNG (X) BRIDGERS, May Ct. 1797. HARDY BRYAN, JP takes privey exam. of CLARINDA BRIDGERS w/o YOUNG BRIDGERS. HARDY BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 134, 1 June 1797 JOHN GILES of Jones Co. to HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 400 pounds , plant. In Johnston Co. BS Middle Ck. on SS Nuse River . . ( 6 tracts = 724 acres). Wit: JOHN BRYAN, LYDIA MCCULLERS. Signed J. GILES, May Ct. 1797. HARDY BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 340, 6 Nov. 1797 CHARLES HAYES of State of Tenesee to HARDY BRYAN of Sampson Co for 1,000 pounds, 300 acres in Johnston Co SS Nuse adj. Burnt Marsh in Beaverdam Gut, being granted to FRANCES HARRELL 2 May 1770. Wit: SAMUEL LEE, JR., JOSEPH INGRAM. Signed: CHARLES HAYES, Nov. Ct. 1797. Page 15 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 HARDY BRYAN - deed book B-2, p. 85, 12 March 1802 LEWIS BRYAN of Buncomb Co. to JOHN RUSSELL of Johnston Co for $1,000, 260 acres NS Neuse River on Marks Ck. adj. CHRISTOPHER CURTIS & LEWIS BRYAN. . all that tract of land deeded to me by my mother SARAH BRYAN, left to her by her father WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his LW&T. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, SAMUEL LEE, JR. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, May Ct. 1802. HARDY BRYAN - deed book C-2, p. 145, 19 Feb. 1804 WILLIAM ALLEN of Johnston Co sells to JOHN A SMITH of Johnston Co for $300., negro woman TENOR ca. 17 yrs. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, JR. Signed: WILLIAM ALLEN, Feb. Ct. 1804. HARDY BRYAN - deed book F-2, p. 243, 21 March 1810 HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co sells to HENRY STEVENS of Johnston Co. for $300., negro boy SIMON. Wit: R. SANDERS. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, May Ct. 1810. HARDY BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 191, 15 Sept. 1810 HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 20 pounds negro man ISAAC. Wit: HARRY BRYAN, D BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1811. HARDY BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 309, 17 September 1810 STEVEN POWELL of Johnston Co. sells to JOHN POOL ,SR. for 425 pounds., negro woman JUDA ca 40 yrs, a negro woman TILES ca. 23 yrs. negro girl ROSE ca. 6 yrs & negro CATE ca. 5 yrs. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, HARDY AVERA. Signed: STN POWELL, May Ct. 1812. HARDY BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 141, 22 January 1813 HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to NEEDHAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 200 pounds, negro woman ROSE ca. 28 yrs. and negro girl child MARGARET 11 mos. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1814. HARDY BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 438, 7 April 1803 JOHN ROSSER of Cumberland Co. to MARY ROSSER of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my dau, 309 acres Johnston Co SS Black Ck. adj. HARDY BRYAN, ABRAHAM SMITH & Burnell Br. in THOMAS ALLEN line. Wit: J ROSSER, ANGUS SHAW. Signed: JOHN ROSSER, Nov. Ct. 1816. HARDY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 166, 25 March 1811 HARDY BRYAN, JR., of Johnston Co sells to NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR. of Johnston Co for 200 pounds a negro man GUILFORD ca. 29 yrs. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1817. HARDY BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 209, 2 Sept. 1817 JOHN McCULLERS of Johnston Co. sells to HARRY BRYAN for $525.25, a negro man NEED which I bought at sale of prop. of HARDY BRYAN dec. by his Admr. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: JONATHAN McCULLERS, Feb. Ct. 1820. HARDY BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 210, 2 Sept. 1817 WILLIAM W. BRYAN & HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co sells to JOHN McCULLERS of Johnston Co for $525.25, a negro man NED, part of Est. of HARDY BRYAN, dec. Wit: D. H. BRYAN, Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, Adm. , Feb Ct. 1820. HARDY BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 76, June 1818 WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co. 547 acres total . . . HARDY BRYAN died ca. 24 April 1815 intestate . . . HARRY BRYAN share - adj. NS Middle Ck., HENRY AVERA dec heirs, JAMES DURHAM, upper Juniper Br. adj. DAVID AVERA & REUBEN SANDERS lines. Wit: JAMES WELLONS, ETHELDRED BELL. Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1820. Page 16 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 HARDY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 447, 27 May 1824 HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co to EDWIN SMITH & NEEDHAM G. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $5. For 500 acres land BS Middle Ck. adj. DAVID H. BRYAN, lands tht fell to HARRY BRYAN by the death of my father HARDY BRYAN dec. Wit: JAMES DODD, JO BLACKMAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1825. HARDY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 66, 18 Aug. 1825 KINCHEN Q ADAMS & w JERUSA to CHARLES T NELSON & EDWARD NELSON of Craven Co. for $300. (1) 178 acres in Craven Co. NS Swift Ck. & Primetor Sw. HARDY BRYAN line, WILLIAM NELMS line, pat. to JOEL KING 1774 (2) 95 acres grant to JOEL KING 1782 on Birch Br. & Premetor Sw. (3) 97 acres. Wit: JAMES ADAMS, THOS JOHNSON. Signed: KINCHEN Q ADAMS, JERUSA ADAMS, Aug. Ct. 1825. JERUSA ADAMS exam. for consent. HARRY BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 189, 13 Feb. 1781 SARAH EASON of Johnston Co. to JOHN EASON of Johnston Co, for NL & Aff. to my son all good & chattels, rights & credits of all kind. . . for a distant maintainance of me during my life or widowhood. Wit: HARRY HARDY, JONATHAN AVERA. Signed: SARAH EASON. HARRY BRYAN - deed book Z-1, p. 35, 25 Nov. 1799 HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to JJ BRIGGS of Wake Co. for $500, 1 feather bed, 1 dung colored sorrel mare & colt, 40 hogs & a bright sorrel mare. Wit: JAMES UTLEY. Signed: HARRY BRYAN, Aug Ct. 1800. HARRY BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 191, 15 Sept. 1810 HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 20 pounds negro man ISAAC. Wit: HARRY BRYAN, D BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1811. HARRY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 391, 15 June 1818 HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. . . . 25 April 1815 HARDY BRYAN died intestate. . land BS Middle Ck. including the plant. & dwelling house of sd dec., 2,176 acres adj. JAMES DURHAM, JOHN AVERA, REUBEN SANDERS, ABNER PEEPLES, DAVID AVERA & heirs of HENRY AVERA . . which lands descended to afore sd HARRY, NEEDHAM, DAVID & WILLIAM W. BRYAN, the only heirs & rep. Of dec. all (4) of lawful age to WILLIAM W. BRYAN - the share of same on BS Ck. including plantation whereon NATHANIEL GILES formerly lived, & where WILLIAM W. BRYAN lately lived 362 acres. Wi: ETHELDRED BELL, JONATHAN WELLONS. Signed: HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1818. HARRY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 166, 25 March 1811 HARDY BRYAN, JR., of Johnston Co sells to NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR. of Johnston Co for 200 pounds a negro man GUILFORD ca. 29 yrs. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1817. HARRY BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 76, June 1818 WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co. 547 acres total . . . HARDY BRYAN died ca. 24 April 1815 intestate . . . HARRY BRYAN share - adj. AS Middle Ck., HENRY AVERA dec heirs, JAMES DURHAM, upper Juniper Br. adj. DAVID AVERA & REUBEN SANDERS lines. Wit: JAMES WELLONS, ETHELDRED BELL. Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1820. HARRY BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 223, (no date) WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN & D. H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to PHILLIP JOHNSON of Johnston Co for $437.50, 350 acres in Cumberland Co ES Black River in Turkey Pen Br., grant to CHARLES FALKNER 9 March 1768. Wit: JONATHAN MACLEOD, JAMES FARRIOR. Signed WILLIAM M. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN, D. H. BRYAN, 25 Sept. 1821. Page 17 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 HARRY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 185, 23 Feb. 1824 AZEL CLIFTON of Johnston Co. to JOHNSON BUSBEE of Wake Co. for $113, to the highest bidder. . a negro girl MOLLY . . prop. of JOS AVERY, taken by inst. of REUBEN SANDERS guardian for orphans of THOS AVERA, dec. & JORDAN BUSBEE of Wake Co. Wit: HARRY BRYAN. Signed: AZEL (J) CLIFTON, Feb. Ct 1824. HARRY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 248, 7 April 1824 JOHN FELLOW of Sampson Co & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. to HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co., JOHN FELLOW stands indebted to HARRY BRYAN $662.45 for promises & 50 sh pd by DAVID H. BRYAN. . . all right, title & interest to Est. of HARDY BELL, dec, by virtue of the intermarriage with the sister of HARDY BELL. Wit: JOS BLACKMAN, HENRY BARNES. Signed JONATHAN FELLOWS, D. H. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, May Ct. 1824. HARRY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 409, 24 Aug. 1824 DAVID H. BRYAN, Clerk & Master of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co. September term 1821: Pet. of HARRY BRYAN & wife SUSANNA; JOHN SELLERS & w ANNE; JOSIAH BLACKMAN & ESTHER BLACKMAN, infants by their Guard. HARRY BRYAN; of WILLIAM BLACKMAN, LOUISA BLACKMAN, POLLY & JOSIAH BLACKMAN, infant children of WILLIAM BLACKMAN dec, by their Guard. JOHN SELLERS; POLLY FELLOWS, ESTHER FELLOWS & JOSEPH JOSIAH FELLOWS infants of SALLY FELLOWS, dec. by JOHN FELLOWS their Guard. That ESTHER BLACKMAN late of Sampson Co. departed this life ca. 1819 . . .having land in Johnston Co adj. JOHN WILLIAMS, ISAAAC WILLIAMS, JANE WILLIAMS, SALLY GRICE & JOHN SELLERS, cont. ca. 1,015 acres . . sd intestate left to children & grandchildren. . that the sd lands be sold. . when JOHN SANDERS, SR. became the highest bidder for $6,031. Wit: JOHN T. BOSWORTH, THOS RICE. Signed: D. H. BRYAN, Clerk & Master Johnston Co Aug. Ct. 1824. HARRY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 447, 27 May 1824 HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co to EDWIN SMITH & NEEDHAM G. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $5. For 500 acres land BS Middle Ck. adj. DAVID H. BRYAN, lands tht fell to HARRY BRYAN by the death of my father HARDY BRYAN dec. Wit: JAMES DODD, JO BLACKMAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1825. HARRY BRYAN - deed book N-2, p. 98, 1 December 1825 DAVID H. BRYAN CME of Johnston Co. whereas HARDY AVERA & w POLLY, JOEL RIVERS, RICHARD RIVERS, LEWIS RIVERS, GRIZZA ANN RIVERS, ELIZABETH RIVERS, POLLY SCOTT & ELIZABETH SCOTT. . . that they are entitled as tenants in common with REDDICK HUGHES & w GILLY, to tract of land in Johnston Co, on waters of Poplar Br. adj ALEXANDER AVERA, WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN SMITH, ROBERT WHITTINGTON, 250 acres . . exposed for public sale to BRASWELL BRIDGERS for $250. Wit: RAY HELME, HARRY BRYAN. Signed: D. G. BRYAN, CME Johnston Co Ct. 1825. HESTER BRYAN - deed book V-1, p. 337, 5 Nov. 1793 MILES BARFOOT of Sampson Co. to NOAH BARFOOT of Johnston Co, 25 pounds for 216 1/3 acres in Johnston Co a part of land of JOHN BARFOOT, SR. dec. that fell to sd MILES BARFOOT. Wit: HESTER BRYAN, JOHN BRYAN. Signed: MILES BAREFOOT, May Ct. 1796. J. BRYAN - deed book Transcrip #2, p. 86, 2 April 1782 JOHN SMITH of Johnston Co. to 3 grand children, RACHEL WILLIAMS, JOHN SMITH & MARY SMITH son & daus of my son ALEXANDER SMITH, dec. for love - 9 negroes: to RACHEL WILLIAMS - DANIELL & his wife FEBEE & her youngest child ISOM; to MARY SMITH - ISOM, RANDELL, & DEP; to JOHN SMITH - ALFE, MILLE & JACOB. . . to remain in hands of MR. ISACK WILLIAMS until MARY SMITH & RACHEL WILLIAMS reach age 16 & JOHN SMITH reach age 18 yrs. Wit: WILLM WHITFIELD, J. BRYAN, JOSEPH BARNES, SAM SMITH. Signed: JOHN SMITH, Feb. Ct. 1783. Page 18 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 J. BRYAN - deed book Y-1, p. 243, 20 January 1800 BARZILLA BLACKMAN,SR. of Johnston Co. to BARZILLA BLACKMAN, JR. of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son for 5 sh. tracts (1) 100 acres on S prong of Mill Ck. adj. the main road. (2) 200 acres WS Maple Br. called the Reacks place. (3) 200 acres Maple Pocosin granted to BARZILLA BLACKMAN 12 Nov. 1793. Wit: GEORGE MASSENGILL, J. BRYAN. Signed: BARZILLA BLACKMAN, May Ct. 1800. J. BRYAN - deed book Z-1, p. 250, 29 Nov. 1800 BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Jefferson Co. GA Admr of Est. of BENJAMIN WELLONS, dec. late of Johnston Co, leaving ZACHARIAH WELLONS, JOHN WELLONS, WILLIAM WELLONS, JAMES WELLONS, REBECKAH WELLONS, POLLY WELLONS, & JESSE WELLONS his only heirs, for 400 pounds 428 acres Johnston Co SS Neuse River adj. WILLIAM POOL, Arthurs Br. and WILLIAM BRYAN Wit: WILLIAM FARMER, J. BRYAN Signed: BENJAMIN. BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1801. JAMES BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 97, 8 March 1804 WEST WOODARD of Johnston Co. to JAMES BRYAN of Johnston co., Power of Atty. against JONATHAN SMITH, SR. Wit: JAMES RITCHARDSON. Signed: WEST WOODARD, Aug. Ct. 1806. JAMES BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 226, 2 Oct. 1812 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co to FREDRICK. BRYAN of Johnston for NL & Aff. to my son 150 acres Harris Br. incl. the plant. adj. JAMES BRYAN. Wit. THOMAS O'NEAL, ROBERT BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS (B) BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1818. JAMES BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 393, 10 April 1816 JESSE GREEN, JR. WILLIAM GREEN, LABON GREEN, SION GREEN, BRYANT GREEN, DEMPSEY GREEN, MILLEY GREEN, SAMUEL WILDER & w POLLY, JAMES BRYAN & w NANCY, WILLIAM SMITH & w CINTHY of Johnston Co to REDDEN GREEN of Johnston Co. all parties being heirs of JESSE GREEN, SR. dec. for NL & Aff. to REDDEN GREEN, our brother all the land, houses ca. 75 acres. Wit: L MCINVAILL, JAMES SMITH. Signed: JESSE GREEN, WILLIAM. GREEN, LABAN GREEN, SION GREEN, BRIAN GREEN, DEMCY GREEN, E SMITH, MILLY (X) GREEN, SAMUEL WILDER, POLLY (X) WILDER, JAMES BRYAN, NANCY (X) BRYAN, CYNTHA (her mark) SMITH. Aug. Ct. 1817. JAMES BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 29, 5 Feb. 1820 WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. to JAMES BRYAN of Johnston Co. power of Atty... settling all matters of controversy in collecting & settling debts that may be owing to me from LEWIS BRYAN, dec. Est. Wit: T PRICE, G W MARSHBURN. Signed: WILLIAM BRYAN, May Ct. 1820. JONATHAN. BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 337, (no date) WILLIAM EARP of Johnston Co sells to JOHN WATSON of Johnston Co. for 2 pounds, a negro boy ISHMAEL, if sd WILLIAM EARP pay to WATSON the sum of 12 pounds on or before 10 Oct. next. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN, JOHN POOL. Signed: WILLIAM EARP, May Ct. 1790. JONATHAN. BRYAN - deed book O-1,p. 152, 23 Feb. 1776 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co. to EDNEY BRYAN & RIDLEY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my daus. . . 320 acres on Marks Ck. . . being part of a tract taken up by WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his lifetime . . the deed. . nowin hands of Colo. NEEDHAM BRYAN. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1780. JONATHAN. BRYAN - deed book O-1, p. 65; 31 Oct. 1783 JOHN BUSH & w SUSANNA to WILLIAM WARD for 4 pounds, Lot #95 in Smithfield. Wit: BLAKE BRYAN, JONATHAN. BRYAN. (no signature) JONATHAN. BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 362, 1 March 1793 JOHN WATSON of Johnston Co sells to JOHN ALLEN of Johnston Co. for 81 pounds, one half of 3 negroes - MILA, TOM & WINNEY . . . which half of sd negroes by bill of sale from THOMAS LEACH. Page 19 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN, WILLIS WATSON. Signed: JOHN WATSON (his mark), Feb. Ct. 1793. JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR. - deed book A-2, p. 240, 16 January 1802 YOUNG BRIDGERS & w CLARY & THOS JONES & w ESTHER JONES of Johnston Co to THOMAS FOLSOME of Johnston Co for 100 pounds, their undivided moiety in a tract of land NS Swift Ck. which descended to them by death of Frances Mitchner. . in fee simple. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR., STEPHEN BROWN. Signed: YOUNG (X) BRIDGERS, CLAREY (X) BRIDGERS, THOS (X) JONES, ESTHER (X) JONES, Feb. Ct. 1802. CLAREY BRIDGERS exam. for consent. JONATHAN. BRYAN,JR. - deed book H-2, p. 431, ____1809 ERWIN WILDER, WINIFRED WILDER, ELISHA EASON, EDITH EASON, HILLORY WILDER & ESTHER WILDER of Johnston Co to JOHN AVERA of Johnston Co. for 300 pounds, 3 tracts (1) 300 acres SS Neuse River, Reedy Br., Swift Ck. . . (2) SS Neuse River adj. ALEXR AVERA & WILLIAM BRYAN (3) 39 acres granted to JACOB AVERA. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR., JACOB AVERA, WILLIAM WILDER, JAMES LEWIS. Signed: ERWIN (X) WILDER, WINNIFRED (X) WILDER, HILLORY WILDER, EASTHER WILDER, ELISHA (X) WILDER, EDITH (X) EASON. JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR. - deed book S-1, p. 30, _____1791 JOHN BRYAN, Esq. High Sheriff of Johnston Co. to NATHANIEL THORNTON of Sampson Co by Writ of Firei Facias from Nov. Ct. against goods of SAMUEL ELDRIDGE. . . judgement against him by LEWIS JERNIGAN, SR., sells a negro girl PATIENCE, belonging to SAMUEL ELDRIDGE. . . to NATHANIEL THORNTON, for 41 pounds 22 sh. 6 d. Wit: JOHN BRYAN. Signed JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR., Aug. Ct. 1791. JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR. - deed book T-1, p. 268, 25 Aug. 1794 BRYAN WHITFIELD of Lenoir Co. to ALEXANDER OUTLAW, Esq. of Jefferson Co. in SW Terr. to be my lawful Atty. to convey. . . 7 tract of land in my own name, numbers as follows #1765 for 640 acres, #1778 for 365 acres. #1879 for 640 acres, #1909 for 1000 acres, #1911 for 274 acres, #2201 for 640 acres & #2202 for 640 acres total 4,199 acres. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN,JR, LOVERY BRYAN. Signed: BRYAN WHITFIELD, Aug. Ct. 1794. JOHN BRYAN - deed book Transcrip # 1, p. 81, 10 July 1763 WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co to NATH KIMBROUGH of Johnston Co. witness that WILLIAM BRYAN hath put his son JOHN BRYAN under the tuition & management of NATHL KIMBROUGH, until his son shall arrive at age 21. Wit: JOHN MCILROY, JONAS MARSHALL. Signed: NATHL KIMBROUGH, WILLIAM (X) BRYAN, July Ct. 1763. JOHN BRYAN - deed book E-1, P. 95, 3 April 1766 STEPHEN BLACKMAN of Johnston Co to HENRY JERNIGAN of Johnston Co for 160 pounds 3 tracts, part in Dobbs Co on Mill Ck. & part in Johnston on the fork of Mill Ck & Neuse River (1) tracts taken up by MARK PHILLIPS, to HARDY BRYAN, to JOHN BRYAN, and then to BENNET BLACKMAN, then to his son STEPHEN BLACKMAN 240 acres (2) 70 acres on Mill Ck. pat. to BENNET BLACKMAN 23 April 1763. Wit: ISAAC WILLIAMS, LEWIS JERNIGAN. Signed: STEPHEN BLACKMAN, Oct. Ct. 1766. JOHN BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 288, 2 Aug. 1786 SAMUEL ELDRIDGE of Johnston Co. sells to JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co for 250 pounds in gold & silver, 4 likely boys BUCK, JOSEPH, ISAAC, & STEVEN. Wit: JOHN TAYLOR. Signed: SAMUEL ELDRIDGE. JOHN BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 337; 10 Sept. 1789 JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co sells to ELIZABETH ELDRIDGE of Johnston Co for 2 pounds, negro girls SPICIA & TABITHA, one ca. 5/6 yrs. and the other ca. 3 yrs. Wit: SAMUEL ELDRIDGE, NATHANIEL THORNTON. Signed: JOHN BRYAN, May Ct. 1790. Page 20 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 JOHN BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 110, 2 Aug. 1786 SAMUEL ELDRIDGE of Johnston Co. sells to JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co for 250 pounds gold & silver, 4 likely negroes BUCK, JOSEPH, ISAAC, & STEVEN. Wit: JOHN TAYLOR. Signed: SAMUEL ELDRIDGE. JOHN BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 197, 9 Oct. 1784. PHILLIP RAIFORD of Johnston Co. sells to RAIFORD FULGHUM of Johnston Co. for 144 pounds, 2 negroes, the cond. of this Morgt. & Bill of Sale is such that if PHILLIP RAIFORD do pay to RAIFORD FULGHUM by Dec. next, then above Morgt. to be of no effect. Wit: KEDAR POWELL, JOHN BRYAN. Signed: PHIL RAIFORD, May Ct. 1789. JOHN BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 248; 5 Jan 1789 SAMUEL ELDRIDGE of Johnston Co. sells to JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 270 pounds, 2 negro boys, BUCK ca 18 yrs & STEVEN ca. 11 yrs. Wit: NATHAN WILLIAMS. Signed: SAM ELDRIDGE, Nov. Ct. 1789. JOHN BRYAN - deed book K, p. 240, 15 Feb. 1782 JOHN SMITH,SR., of Johnston Co. to WINIFRED BRYAN for L to my grand dau. a negro girl LYDIA ca. 10 yrs., already in her poss. Wit: K. BRYAN, ABRAHAM BARNS, JOHN BRYAN. WILLIAM WARD, Clk. Feb. Ct. 1781. JOHN BRYAN - deed book O-1, p. 199, 20 June1784 JOHN LEE, JR. of Johnston Co. to CHARLES HINES of Waine Co. for $30, 100 acres part of a tract surveyed by sd. LEE adj. LEES corner, Middle Prong. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, ASA BRYAN. signed: JOHN LEE, Aug. Ct. 1785. JOHN BRYAN - deed book O-1, p. 211, 10 Nov. 1784 WILLIAM & ELIZABETH DURHAM of Johnston Co to ISAAC POWELL of Johnston Co. 100 pounds for 200 acres in Johnston Co. adj. HARRELL, ANDREW SAULSBARY, THOMAS MCLENDON, STEPHENS & FARMER. . land granted to JAMES DURHAM 1763. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, KEDAR POWELL. Signed: WILLIAM DURHAM, ELIZABETH DURHAM, Feb. Ct. 1785. JOHN BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 30, _____1791 JOHN BRYAN, Esq. High Sheriff of Johnston Co. to NATHANIEL THORNTON of Sampson Co by Writ of Firei Facias from Nov. Ct. against goods of SAMUEL ELDRIDGE. . . judgement against him by LEWIS JERNIGAN, SR., sells a negro girl PATIENCE, belonging to SAMUEL ELDRIDGE. . . to NATHANIEL THORNTON, for 41 pounds 22 sh. 6 d. Wit: JOHN BRYAN. Signed JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR., Aug. Ct. 1791. JOHN BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 146, 12 Feb. 1787 JOHN TISDALE of Johnston Co. to JAMES HERN of Pitt Co. for 20 pounds, 140 acres SS Little Sw., adj. ANN NICHOLS, JOHN BRYAN, HENRY BLURTON & DANIEL AVERYT. . . Wit: JAMES LOCKHART, HANNAH LOCKHART. Signed: JOHN (X) TISDALE, May Ct. 1792. JOHN BRYAN - deed book T-1, p. 155, 1 July 1793 LEWIS JERNIGAN, SR. heir at law of HENRY JERNIGAN, dec. to JOHN ATKINSON of Johnston Co. for 250 pounds, plant. Where ANNE JERNIGAN, lately dec. with 3 tracts, being part in Wayne Co. and Johnston Co. (1) 200 acres BS Mill Ck. at the fork of the Neuse River, (2) 240 acres upper side of Mill Ck. adj. THOMAS THORNTON, WILLIAM CRAFFORD, MARK PHILLIPS line. Granted to MARK PHILLIPS & conv. To HARDY BRYAN, to JOHN BRYAN, to JOHN WILLIAMSON, to BENNET BLACKMAN & willed by BENNET BLACKMAN to his son STEPHEN BLACKMAN, and conv. By him to HENRY JERNIGAN. . . (3) 70 acres on Mill Ck. granted to sd BENNET BLACKMAN Wit: LEWIS JERNIGAN, JR, J WARREN. Signed: LEWIS JERNIGAN, Nov. Ct. 1793. Page 21 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 JOHN BRYAN - deed book U-1, p. 177, 23 Aug. 1788 NOAH BARFOOT, SR. of Johnston Co. to JOHN BRYAN for GW & N Aff. & divers other causes, 30 acres SS Mill Ck. adj. BARZILLA BLACKMAN & SAMUEL ELDRIDGE, called ISAAC BUSH'S line. . by absolute Inheritance in fee simple. Wit: NATHAN ALLEN, WILLIAM LEE. Signed: NOAH BARFOOT, May Ct. 1795. Exam. by J Utley. JOHN BRYAN - deed book V-1, p. 319, 8 Sept. 1789 THOMAS LYNCH of Johnston Co. to DEMPSEY LYNCH of Johnston Co. for GW & Aff. (no relationship or acreage given) on SS Neuse River & Bushes Ck., & on lower side of the road that leads from Wilmington toward Hillsborough. . . part of a tract granted to EDWARD LEE 14 Nov. 1771. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, ELLENOR LYNCH. Signed: THOMAS (W) LYNCH, May Ct. 1796. JOHN BRYAN - deed book V-1, p. 336, 30 Sept. 1793 JOHN BARFOOT of Liberty Co. SC to SHADRICK PIERCE of Johnston Co. for 50 pounds, 433 1/3 acres in Johnston Co, being the full part of the lands NOAH BARFOOT, SR. died seized of that fell to sd JOHN BARFOOT, he being a son of NOAH BARFOOT, SR, dec. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, JOHN DEVINE. Signed: JOHN BARFOOT, May Ct. 1796. JOHN BRYAN - deed book V-1, p. 337, 5 Nov. 1793 MILES BARFOOT of Sampson Co. to NOAH BARFOOT of Johnston Co, 25 pounds for 216 1/3 acres in Johnston Co a part of land of JOHN BARFOOT, SR. dec. that fell to sd MILES BARFOOT. Wit: HESTER BRYAN, JOHN BRYAN. Signed: MILES BAREFOOT, May Ct. 1796. JOHN BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 120, 23 May 1797 YOUNG BRIDGERS of Johnston Co. to JOHN BRYAN & JAMES FROST of Johnston Co. for 40 sh. 2 acres on BS Cooper Br. . . being same place & land which sd YOUNG BRIDGERS formed & raised a Grist Mill . . . about 1/4 of a mile from the mouth of Cooper Br. Wit: AVENTON AVERA, SAMUEL AVERA. Signed: YOUNG (X) BRIDGERS, May Ct. 1797. HARDY BRYAN, JP takes privey exam. of CLARINDA BRIDGERS w/o YOUNG BRIDGERS. JOHN BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 134, 1 June 1797 JOHN GILES of Jones Co. to HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 400 pounds , plant. In Johnston Co. BS Middle Ck. on SS Nuse River . . ( 6 tracts = 724 acres). Wit: JOHN BRYAN, LYDIA MCCULLERS. Signed J. GILES, May Ct. 1797. JOHN BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 203; 20 Marc 1797 WILLIAM SASSER high shff. of Johnston Co. by writ of Firefracias from Co. Ct. in behalf of JOHN BRYAN & MATTHIAS HANDY against JOHN FAIL . . . sold 3 negroes - CHINA, OLIVER & OLIVE . . . to JOSIAH BLACKMAN for 100 pounds 1 sh. Wit: BUDD LEE, WILLIAM SASSER. Signed: WILLIAM SASSER, Shff, Aug. Ct. 1797. JOHN BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 271, 18 Jan. 1797 JOHN FAIL of Johnston Co. sell to EDMOND DEES of Johnston co for 125 pounds, negro man ENOCH ca. 25 yrs. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, M HANDY. Signed JOHN FAIL, Nov. Ct 1797. JOHN BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 320, 27 Nov. 1797 YOUNG BRIDGERS & w CLELIA of Johnston Co. to JESSE BROWN of Johnston Co. for 275 pounds, 173 acres on Swift Ck. at mouth of Cooper Br. near Greens Ford . being the land conv. by JAMES NORRISS to CLELIA BRIDGERS 31 August. 1789 except 1 acre which YOUNG BRIDGERS & wife conveyed to JOHN BRYAN. Wit: SAMUEL AVERA, JAMES FROST. Signed: YOUNG (X) BRIDGERS, CLERRY (X) BRIDGERS, Nov. Ct. 1797. JOHN BRYAN - deed book X-1, p. 136, 5 Nov. 1798 RACHEL RATCLIFT of Jefferson Co. GA to NATHAN POWELL of Jefferson Co. GA for $200. her part of 3 tracts in Johnston Co. Page 22 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 being her portionable share of land that fell to her by heirship, she being one of the lawful rep. Wit: JOHN VINING, JOHN BRYAN. Signed: RACHEL (her mark) RATLIFF, Nov. Ct. 1798. JOHN BRYAN - deed book Y-1, p. 46, 7 Sept. 1787 JOHN TINSLEY & w MARY of Johnston Co to RICHARD HOLT of Johnston Co. for 600 pounds, 300 acres on Little Sw. adj. JOHN BRYAN & ANNA NICHOLS. Wit: JAMES LOCKHART, DANIEL ROGERS. Signed: JOHN (X) TINSLEY, MARY (X) TINSLEY, May Ct. 1799. JOHN BRYAN - deed book Z-1, p. 187, 6 January 1789 SAMUEL ELDRIDGE of Johnston Co sells to THOMAS ALTMAN of Johnston Co. for 80 pounds a negro girl PATIENCE. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, ZILPHA ALTMAN. Signed: SAMUEL ELDRIDGE, Feb. Ct. 1801. JOHN BRYAN - deed book A-2, p. 169, 15 Feb. 1802 KEDAR BRYAN of Sampson Co. to BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Jefferson Co GA Power of Atty. .. for me to ask & demand. . all or my part of Est. of JOHN SMITH,SR., dec. of State of Tennessee. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, JOHN SASSER. Signed KEDAR BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1802. JOHN BRYAN - deed book C-2, p. 145, 18 Feb. 1804 JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co.. sells to CHARLES PENNY of Johnston Co.. for $250, negro girl CHANY ca. 18 yrs. Wit: WILL SASSER. Signed: JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR. Feb. Ct. 1804. JOHN BRYAN - deed book D-2, p. 168, 9 March 1804 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co GA gives Power of Atty. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. to collect debts due me & sell all my lands in Johnston Co. Wit: ASA BRYAN, ASA BRYAN, JR. Signed: JOHN BRYAN. (no rec. date) JOHN BRYAN - deed book F-2, p. 111, 20 Sept. 1809 JOHN WATSON, SR., to WILLIAM PORTER WATSON for NL & Aff. to my son, 598 acres SS Neuse River, BS Little Ck. by deed from JOHN BRYAN to JOHN WATSON, June 1788. Wit: JONATHAN RUSSELL, J. M. JELKS. Signed: JOHN WATSON (his mark), Nov. Ct. 1809. JOHN BRYAN - deed book F-2, p. 188, 4 January 1810 JOHN BRYAN of BurkeCo. GA to JACOB BLACKMAN of Sampson Co. for 875 pounds, 3 tracts, 1036 acres BS Mill Ck., Stephen's Mill Br. adj. SUSANNA FELLOWS, NATHANIEL THORNTON, SAMUEL ELDRIDGE, WILLIS LEE, TAYLORS CABIN & DAVID LEE. Wit: OBED M COX, WILLIAM BRYAN. Signed: JOHN BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1810. JOHN BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 22, 4 January 1810 JOAB BLACKMAN of Sampson Co. sells to JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co.GA for $950, a negro man TONEY, ca. 30 yrs & a negro woman CHARITY ca. 19 yrs. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, OBED W COX. Signed: JOAB BLACKMAN, Feb. Ct. 1813. JOHN BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 124, 28 Sept. 1813 REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co &RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. for 12 sh . . PATSY BRYAN w/o JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co & child of PATSY HINTON, land in Johnston Co. which was willed to sd JOHN BRYAN by his father WILLIAM BRYAN, dec. ca 1482 acres, negro slaves PHEBE, CHARLOTTE, & all his right & title during natural life of PATSY, slaves BOB, PHILLIS, ANY, CHERRY, ARCHELLIS, WILLIE, DINAH, ARNOLD, DAVID, ELLICK, SQUIRE, ARON, POLLY, LOTTY, MOSES, SILVY, MARZILLA, CHARITY, JOHN & RHODA. Wit: WILLIAM BECKWITH, WILL SASSER, L G SMITH. Signed: R. SANDERS, RANS HINTON, Feb. Ct. 1814. JOHN BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 196- 25 March 1818 READING D. BRYAN exec of Est. of JOHN BRYAN dec late of Burke Co. GA, to DAVID PEACOCK of Johnston Co for 40 pounds Page 23 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 for 40 acres on waters of Mill Ck. Wit: SIMON. BRYAN, A. BRYAN, JR. Signed: REDDING D. BRYAN, Exec. JOHN BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 147, 7 January 1810 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co for $20, 130 acres SS read near Sedge Meder, a part of land granted to JOHN BRYAN on 9 March 1799. Wit: A. BRYAN, JR, LEWIS BRYAN. Signed: JOHN BRYAN. Feb. Ct. 1821. JOHN BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 254; 7 October 1812 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co.GA to JOHN LEE of Johnston Co, for 50 pounds, 203 acres in Johnston Co adjoining JAMES SMITH. Wit: A. BRYAN, JR, ZECHERY LEE. Signed: WILLIAM BRYAN, attorney for JOHN BRYAN, May Ct. 1824. JOHN BRYAN,JR. - deed book O-1, p. 13, 17 July 1791 EDWARD HARRISS of Craven Co. to JOHN BRYAN, JR. of Johnston Co for 100 pounds, 640 acres in Western Dist. of state aforesaid . . . NS Obion River adj. JAMES MARTIN & HARRIS, being a warrent taken up by Lenior. . . Wit: BLAKE BRYAN, M GILLIS. Signed: ED HARRIS, Aug. Ct. 1791. JOHN BRYAN, JR. - deed book V-1, p. 175; 26 Aug. 1794 LEMUEL Taylor of Sampson Co, AGGA LYNCH, MILBERRY LYNCH, & ELLENDER LYNCH of Johnston Co. to JOHN BRYAN, JR., for 100 pounds; 250 acres in Johnston Co. our undivided Moiety of land SS Black Ck. incl. the Marsh above Spikes Path, which desc. to them by the death of PATTY LYNCH. . . adj. JONATHAN SMITH, JOHN SMITH & near the mouthof Pole Cat Br. Wit: ROBT GULLEY, JR., SALATHIEL HOLTON, ARTHUR AVERA, BLAKE BRYAN. Signed: LEMUEL TAYLOR, AGGA (X) LYNCH, AGGA (P) LYNCH, MILBERRY (X) LYNCH, ELLENDER (X) LYNCH. JOHN BRYAN, JR. - deed book Transcript #2, p. 392, 5 April 1791 ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. to SUSANNAH BUSH of Wilkes Co. GA for GW & Aff. to my beloved dau. a negro girl PRUDENCE ca. 8/9 years. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, JOHN BRYAN,JR. Signed: ELIZABETH (X) BRYAN, May Ct. 1791. JOHN BRYAN, JR. - deed book C-2, p. 145, 18 Feb. 1804 JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to CHARLES PENNY of Johnston Co. for $250, negro girl CHANY ca. 18 yrs. Wit: WILL SASSER. Signed: JOHN BRYAN, JR., Feb. Ct. 1804. JOHN BRYAN, JR. - deed book K-2, p. 10, ____ 1809 JEREMIAH LEE & w ELIZABETH & JACOB AVERA of Johnston Co. to HARDY AVERA for 200 pounds (1) 300 acres SS Neuse River Reedy, Br. . . (2) 290 acres SS Neuse River SS Swift Ck. adj. ALEX AVERA, WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN GILES, & WILLIAM AVERA. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, JR., JACOB AVERA, B BRIDGERS, WILSON BARLOW. Signed: JEREMIAH LEE, ELIZABETH LEE, JACOB AVERA. Feb. Ct. 1818. ELIZABETH LEE exam. for consent. JOHN BRYAN, SR. - deed book S-1, p. 75, 30 Nov. 1791 MILLS JERNIGAN of Wayne Co. sells to JOHN BRYAN SR. of Johnston Co for 100 pounds a negro SANTEE ca. 18/19 yrs. Wit: ISAAC POWELL, WILLIAM FARMER, JY POWELL. Signed: MILLS JERNIGAN, Nov. Ct. 1791. JOHN BRYAN, SR. - deed book T-1, p. 345, 1 Nov. 1793 BENJAMIN WILLIAMS of town of Newbern sells to JOHN BRYAN, SENR. of Johnston Co for 350 Silver Dollars, 3 negroes, woman MARTHA & her two children NED & SOOKEY. Sit: HENRY GRAY. Signed: BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Aug. Ct. 1794. JOHN BRYAN, SR. - deed book C-2, p. 17, 14 June 1802 JOHN BRYAN, SR., of Burke Co. GA to WILLIAM WILLIAMS of Johnston Co for 625 pounds, SS Mill Ck. below mouth of Page 24 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 Stevens Vr. adj. NATHANIEL THORNTON & Bushes Br. 300 acres. Wit: ISAAC WILLIAMS, WILLIAM FARMER. Signed: JOHN BRYAN, May Ct. 1803. JOHN A. BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 59, 14 Aug. 1813 HERBERT ROBERTSON of Johnston Co to ELIZABETH H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. now w/o JOHN A. BRYAN, for NL & Aff. to my dau & her lawful issue. . . negroes DICY, CLARY, child CANDIS & child FILLIS & their increase. Wit: CHARLES COPELAND, OSBORN SNIPES. Signed: H ROBERTSON, Aug. Ct. 1813. JOHN A. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 260, 12 October 1820 JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston Co & WILLIAM BATTLE to THOMAS PRICE of Johnston Co. sd. BRYAN is indebted to THOMAS PRICE and sued by NATHANIEL RAND, FARMER JONES & State Bank of NC . . .(to mgt.?) land from ARTHUR BRYAN. .. many acres, negro men SIMON, JERRY, POMPY, BUCK, REDDICK, BRITE & HANDY, boys WILLIS, CHAPPELL & CHARLES, women CHERRY & DICE, girls CLARRY, HARRIET, HAGAR, VIOLET, MARZILLA, MARTHA, CANDIS, TILLIE, cattle, household furn. if debt is not paid by 1 Dec. WILLIAM BATTLE may sell& pay THOMAS PRICE first Wit: H ROBERTSON, GEORGE W. MARSHBURN. Signed: JOHN A. BRYAN, WILLIAM. BATTLE, T. PRICE, _____1820. JOHN A. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 133, 16 January 1821 HERBERT ROBINSON of Johnston Co. of 1st part, RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. of 2nd part, JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston 3rd part, & ELIZABETH H. BRYAN w/o JOHN A. BRYAN & MARY ELIZA BRYAN, JOHN HENRY BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN & EVELINE BRYAN , children of sd JOHN A & ELIZABETH BRYAN of 4th part, that HERBERT ROBINSON being desirous of providing for the aforesaid ELIZABETH'S maintenance during her natural life. . provisions shall not be affected by any debts or contracts of her husband, for NL & consideration of 5 sh. paid to him by said RANSOM HINTON. . . the following negroes & their increase either by keeping them in her service or receiving the proceeds of their hire as she may need from time to time . . DICE, CANDIS, PHILIS, CLARY, CHAPPEL, HARRIET, & ZILLA. . free from the control of her husband during the time of her natural life . . .and at her death, sd RANSOM HINTON shall divide the same between her children of her present or future husband. . . if at her death she leaves no living issue, sd negroes & their increase, in trust, be divided equally among the children of WILLIS HINTON. Wit: CHS. W. LEE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, R. HINTON, JOHN A. BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, 17 Jan. 1821. JOHN A. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 224, 14 Dec. 1820 WILLIAM BATTLE of Wake Co. to MOSES MORDACI of Wake Co. for $5,699, 1772 acres . . . 12 Oct. 1820 JOHN A. BRYAN is indebted to THOMAS PRICE for $3,388.24 . . . judgement against JOHN A. BRYAN by State Bank & others . . land to WILLIAM BATTLE 1 December 1820, SS Neuse River adj. RANSOM HINTON, ELLINGTON the dower line & JOHN HINTON line. Wit: R. HINTON, GEO W. MORDACI. Signed: WILLIAM BATTLE, 13 May 1821. JOHN A. BRYAN, JR. - deed book C-2, p. 146, 29 Feb. 1804 LEMUEL JELKS of Johnston Co. sells to BENJAMIN LOCKHART of Johnston Co for 500 Spanish Milled Dollars, negroes PHERABY & ENGLAND. Wit: JOHN A. BRYAN, JR, CHS KING. Signed LEMUEL JELKS, Feb. Ct. 1804. JOHN ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book A-2, p. 183, 10 July 1801 JOHN ARTHUR BRYAN son and heir of ARTHUR BRYAN, ESQ. dec., late of Johnston Co. sells to MATHIAS HANDY of Smithfield for 4 pounds for 1/2 acre lot #64. Wit: CALVIN JONES. signed JONATHAN. A. BRYAN. Feb Ct. 1802. JOHN ARTHUR BRYAN - deed book F-2, p. 54, 4th Mon. Aug. 1808 JONATHAN STEVENS, JR. Shff of Johnston Co. sells to HENRY SEWELL for 152 pounds 10 sh, a negro man GUY, Page 25 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 who was the prop. of JOHN ARTHUR BRYAN, for debt. Wit: R SANDERS, E SANDERS. Signed: JONATHAN STEVENS, R. Shff., May Ct. 1809. JOHN HENRY BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 133, 16 January 1821 HERBERT ROBINSON of Johnston Co. of 1st part, RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. of 2nd part, JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston 3rd part, & ELIZABETH H. BRYAN w/o JOHN A. BRYAN & MARY ELIZA BRYAN, JOHN HENRY BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN & EVELINE BRYAN , children of sd JOHN A & ELIZABETH BRYAN of 4th part, that HERBERT ROBINSON being desirous of providing for the aforesaid ELIZABETH'S maintainance during her natural life. . provisions shall not be affected by any debts or contracts of her husband, for NL & consideration of 5 sh. paid to him by said RANSOM HINTON. . . the following negroes & their increase either by keeping them in her service or receiving the proceeds of their hire as she may need from time to time . . DICE, CANDIS, PHILIS, CLARY, CHAPPEL, HARRIET, & ZILLA. . free from the control of her husband during the time of her natural life . . .her death, sd RANSOM HINTON shall divide the same between her children of her present or future husband if at her death she leaves no living issue, sd negroes & their increase, in trust, be divided equally among the children of WILLIS HINTON. Wit: CHS. W. LEE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, R. HINTON, JOHN A. BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, 17 Jan. 1821. JOSEPH BRYAN - deed book N-2, p. 86, 20 Nov. 1824 WILLIAM ALLEN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $250 , NS Bushes Sw. adj. lands of WILLIAM BRYAN, SIMON. BRYAN, & HARDY BRYAN, being a part of land deeded by ASA BRYAN to his son LEWIS BRYAN, including the plant. where LEWIS BRYAN lives, part of a survey patent to GREEN. Wit: JOSEPH BRYAN, AARON GODWIN. Signed: WILLIAM ALLEN, Nov. Ct. 1825 K. BRYAN - deed book K, p. 240, 15 Feb. 1782 JOHN SMITH,SR., of Johnston Co. to WINIFRED BRYAN for L to my grand dau. a negro girl LYDIA ca. 10 yrs., already in her poss. Wit: K. BRYAN, ABRAHAM BARNS, JOHN BRYAN. WILLIAM WARD, Clk. Feb. Ct. 1781. KEDAR BRYAN - deed book A-2, p. 169; 15 Feb. 1802 KEDAR BRYAN of Sampson Co. to BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Jefferson Co. GA, Power of Atty . . . for me to ask & demand. . all or my part of Est. of JOHN SMITH, SR., dec. of State of Tennessee. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, JOHN SASSER. Signed: KEDAR BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1802. KEDAR BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 42; 26 Feb. 1819 NEEDHAM BRYAN of Johnston Co to THOMAS RICE of Johnston Co for $225., lot #57 in the town of Smithfield conv. by Comm. to KEDAR BRYAN& from KEDAR BRYAN to LOVERD BRYAN & by will to NEEDAM G. BRYAN. Wit: B ROBIN HOOD, L PRICE, JOHN PARISH. Signed: N. G. BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1819. LARRY BRYAN - deed book X-1, p. 118, 3 Feb. 1797 JOHN WODEL & w CATEY of Johnston Co to GEORGE POOL of Johnston Co for 50 pounds, 100 acres NS Nuce River near Mocoson S., adj. JOHN ALLEN, LARRY BRYAN being grant to JOHN WODEL 25 July 1795. Wit: THOMAS OLIVER, STEPHEN OLIVER. Signed: JOHN WODEL, CATEY (X) WODEL, Nov. Ct. 1798. LARRY BRYAN - deed book F-2, p. 114, 29 Nov. 1809 ISIAH EARP & CHARITY EARP (alias CHARITY WIMBERLY) to JOHN STEVENS, JR., for 80 pounds, 150 acres NS Neuse River, big arm of Marks Ck., adk. LARRY BRYAN, land laid out to CHARITY EARP as her dower in lands of late husband MALACHI WIMBERLY, dec. Wit: EDWARD LEE,SR., DANIEL BOON. Signed: ISAIAH EARP (his mark), Nov. Ct. 1809. Page 26 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 LARRY BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 323, 21 March 1812 WILLIAM WILKINSON of Cape Geraudean Dist LA to REASY WILKINSON of Johnston Co. for $400 , (1) 250 acres NS Neuse River. . . part of grant to EDWARD BLURTON ATTEN 100 acres on Mill Br. from JOHN BATTEN 1 Nov. 1797 (4) land granted to REUBEN WILKINSON 7 June 1799. Wit: PETER SLAUGHTER, ROBT, GULLEY, JR, E SANDERS. Signed: WILLIAM WILKINSON, May Ct. 1812. LAURY BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 50, 6 March 1808 LAURY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to JOHN VINSON of Johnston Co. for 67 pounds, one-half of a negro girl LUCY. Wit: HINTON VINSON. Signed: LAURY BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1810. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 41, 15 Nov. 1769 JOHN DURHAM & w CHARITY of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 80 pounds, 100 acres NS Neuse River, being all that tract conv. by Deed of Gift from ISAAC WILLIAMS to sd JOHN DURHAM. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, JONATHAN RAND CC. Signed: JOHN DURHAM, CHARITY (X) DURHAM, Nov. Ct. 1769 LEWIS BRYAN - deed book Transcript #1, p. 235, 19 March 1770 JESSE PEARCE & w ELIZABETH PEARCE of Johnston Co. to LEWIS BRYAN for 80 pounds 100 acres on NS Neuse River adj. upper side of Mill Br. being all the land granted by ISAAC WILLIAMS to ELIZABETH PEARCE, part to GEORGE POOL & part to JAMES STALLIONS. Wit: HENRY RAINS, HARDY TALTON. Signed: JESSE PIERCE, ELIZABETH (X) PEARCE. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book D, p. 99 Will of ROBERT BRYANT, dated 10 December 1760, prob. April Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT), son LEWIS, daug: ELIZABETH, MARY, CHARITY, _________SEY; bro. CHARLES BRYANT; negroes POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place, DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exec. WILLIAM HINTON, wife, $ CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELIZABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 206, 12 Jan. 1767 DANIEL CLARK of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 25 pounds, 1 black gilding, all my household goods, workng tools & all cattle & hoggs etc. Wit: LEWIS BRYAN, WILLIAM JERNIGAN. Signed: DANIEL CLARK, April Ct. 1767. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 376, 15 July 1768 Articles of Agreement between ISAAC WILLIAMS of Johnston Co. & WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. ISAAC WILLIAM did by a Deed of Gift to this dau ELIZABETH PEARCE, a tract of land NS Neuse River, being half of the land WILLIAMS bought from GEO POOL adj. upper side of Mill Br. 100 acres, land pat. to GEO POOL, reserving the privledge of tilling part of land during his nat. life, & that it sould not be sold nor swapt, yet ELIZABETH PEARCE, who married JESSE PEARCE disposed of the aforesaid land sells the land to WILLIAM BRYAN for 5 sh, hereby divesting myself of all right. Wit: MICAJAH STOKES, LEWIS BRYAN. Signed: ISAAC(his mark)WILLIAMS, Aug.Ct. 1768. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 45, 27 Feb. 1769 DRURY DEES & w MARY to THOMAS LEE of Johnston Co. for 80 pounds, 100 acres SS Neuse River on middle prong of Mill Ck, including his imp. granted to DRURY DEES 1 Sept. 1759. Wit: LEWIS BRYAN, EDWARD LEE. Signed: DRURY (X) DEES, ANNE (X) DEES. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 422, 9 January 1770 JOHN GREEN of Bladen Co. to JOHN LEE of Johnston Co for 50 pounds, 100 acre plant. in the fork of Mill Ck. between Hicks Br. & White Oak Sw. land granted to sd Green by pat. 22 Dec. 1768. Wit: EDWARD LEE, LEWIS BRYAN. Signed: JOHN GREEN, May Ct. 1770. Page 27 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 LEWIS BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 445, 19 March 1770 JESSE PIERCE & w ELIZABETH of Johnston Co. to LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co for 80 pounds, 100 acres NS Neuse River, tract of land given by ISAAC WILLIAMS to ELIZABETH PIERCE, part granted to GEO. POOL and part to JAMES STALLINGS & conv. to ISAAC WILLIAMS. Wit: HENRY RAINS, HARDY TALTON. Signed: JESSE PIERCE, ELIZABETH (X) PIERCE, Aug. Ct. 1770. ELIZABETH PIERCE privately exam. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 158, 9 Aug. 1774 WILLIAM BRYAN, Esq. of Johnston Co. to LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co., for paternal love 100 acres on NS Neuse River, the same tract by Deed of Gift from ISAAC WILLIAMS to JOHN DURHAM, part of land taken up by GEORGE POOL & part by JAMES STALLIONS. Wit: WILLIAM WARD, HARDY BRYAN. Aug. Ct. 1774. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 343, 17 July 1771 JOHN SMITH of Johnston to BANJAMIN WILLIAMS, WILLIAM BRYAN, SAMUEL SMITH, JR., JOHN RAND, JOHN STEVENS & LEWIS BRYAN, directors & trustees for Town of Smithfield. . . quit claim. . . land adj. corner of Front and Church St. . . for the use & purpose of a burying ground for the inhabitants of the town of Smithfield. Wit: CHRIS NEAL, WILLIAM WARD. Signed: JOHN SMITH. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book I-1, p. 125, 17 Feb. 1778 WILLIAM SMITH of Johnston Co. to JOHN SMITH of Johnston Co. for 102 pounds, 100 acres SS Little River . . . being land taken up by JOHN PEARCE & conv. by him to WINDSOR PEARCE & then to EDMUND SMITH & by EDMUND SMITH to his son WILLIAM SMITH byhis will. Wit: LEWIS BRYAN, JOHN TUCKER. Signed: WILLIAM WARD, CLK. Feb. Ct. 1778. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book I-1, p. 315, 30 Aug. 1779 BENJ WILLIAMS, WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN SMITH, SAMUEL SMITH, JOHN STEVENS, JOHN RAND, & LEWIS BRYAN comm. of Smithfield to WILLIAM POWELL of Gates Co. for 50 sh, 1 lot or 1/2 acre in Smithfield #66. Wit: KEDAR POWELL. Signed: BENJ WILLIAMS, JOHN SMITH, JOHN RAND, LEWIS BRYAN. Aug.Ct. 1779. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book L-1, p. 186, 9 March 1782 SARAH BRYAN of Johnston Co to LEWIS BRYAN for NL & Aff. To son, all that land on Marks Ck. which came to her by will of WILLIAM HINTON her father. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, BAML WILLIAMS. Signed: SARAH BRYAN, May Ct. 1782. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book O-1,p. 152, 23 Feb. 1776 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co. to EDNEY BRYAN & RIDLEY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my daus. . . 320 acres on Marks Ck. . . being part of a tract taken up by WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his lifetime . . the deed. . nowin hands of Colo. NEEDHAM BRYAN. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1780. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book U-1, p. 60, 8 Feb. 1794 WILTON TAYLOR of Nash Co. Exec. of Est. of EDWARD MOORE, Esq. dec. of Nash Co. to DIXON PRICE of Johnston Co. 82 pounds 10 sh for 200 acres in Johnston Co. NS Great Buffelow Sw. adj. FRANCIS PATRICK, WILLIAM GAY, MICAL ATKISON. Wit: F. HOLLEMON, LEWIS BRYAN. Signed: R. SANDERS, Clk. Feb. Ct. 1795. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book V-1, p. 137, 22 May 1779 JOHN MILES of Duplin Co. to DAVID LEE of Johnston Co. for 100 pounds, 100 acres SS Mill Ck. School House Br., Mirey Br. incl. plant. where LEWIS BRYAN formerly lived in fee simple. Wit: NATHANIEL THORNTON, THOS. THORNTON. Signed: JOHN MILES, Nov. Ct. 1795. Page 28 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 LEWIS BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 119, 6 April 1797 JOSEPH HINTON of Chatham Co. to LEWIS BRYAN orphan of LEWIS BRYAN dec. for 20 pounds, quit claim for 260 acres on Marks Ck. . . the land which WILLIAM HINTON dec. by his LW & T devised to his sau. SARAH HINTON. Wit: JOHN WHITINGTON, HARDY BRYAN. Signed: JOSEPH HINTON, May ct. 1797. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book A-2, p. 171, 18 Feb. 1802 JOHNSON BRITT of Johnston Co. sells to LEWIS BRYAN, JR., of Johnston Co for $250 a negro JENNY. Wit: WILLIAM HINTON. Signed: JOHNSON BRITT, Feb. Ct. 1802. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book B-2, p. 85, 12 March 1802 LEWIS BRYAN of Buncomb Co. to JOHN RUSSELL of Johnston Co for $1,000, 260 acres NS Neuse River on Marks Ck. adj. CHRISTOPHER CURTIS & LEWIS BRYAN. . all that tract of land deeded to me by my mother SARAH BRYAN, left to her by her father WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his LW&T. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, SAMUEL LEE, JR. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, May Ct. 1802. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 226, 2 Oct. 1812 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co to FREDRICK. BRYAN of Johnston for NL & Aff. to my son 150 acres Harris Br. incl. the plant. adj. JAMES BRYAN. Wit. THOMAS O'NEAL, ROBERT BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS (B) BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1818. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 29, 5 Feb. 1820 WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. to JAMES BRYAN of Johnston Co. power of Atty... settling all matters of controversy in collecting & settling debts that may be owing to me from LEWIS BRYAN, dec. Est. Wit: T PRICE, G W MARSHBURN. Signed: WILLIAM BRYAN, May Ct. 1820. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book L-2, pl 133, 16 January 1821 HERBERT ROBINSON of Johnston Co. of 1st part, RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. of 2nd part, JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston 3rd part, & ELIZABETH H. BRYAN w/o JOHN A. BRYAN & MARY ELIZA BRYAN, JOHN HENRY BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN & EVELINE BRYAN , children of sd JOHN A & ELIZABETH BRYAN of 4th part, that HERBERT ROBINSON being desirous of providing for the aforesaid ELIZABETH'S maintainance during her natural life. . provisions shall not be affected by any debts or contracts of her husband, for NL & consideration of 5 sh. paid to him by said RANSOM HINTON. . . the following negroes & their increase either by keeping them in her service or receiving the proceeds of their hire as she may need from time to time . . DICE, CANDIS, PHILIS, CLARY, CHAPPEL, HARRIET, & ZILLA. . free from control of her husband during the time of her natural life . . . and at her death, sd RANSOM HINTON shall divide the same between her children of her present or future husband. . . if at her death she leaves no living issue, sd negroes & their increase, in trust, be divided equally among the children of WILLIS HINTON. Wit: CHS. W. LEE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, R. HINTON, JOHN A. BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, 17 Jan. 1821. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 147, 7 January 1810 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co for $20; 130 acres SS read near Sedge Meder, a part of land granted to JOHN BRYAN on 9 March 1 1799. Wit: A. BRYAN, JR, LEWIS BRYAN. Signed: JOHN BRYAN. Feb. Ct. 1821. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 11, 2 May 1821 HERBERT ROBERTSON of Johnston Co.. to JOHN H. BRYAN, MARY BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, EVELINE BRYAN, children of JOHN A. BRYAN & his wife ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my grandchildren, thereunto me moving. all good, chattels, 3 beds & furn. household furn., 1 still with implements, all hogs, 2 walnut tables, 1 bofat, 6 pewter basons, & 6 pewter plates, 15 chairs, all earthen ware & wood ware, 3 covered Page 29 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 trunks, 2 woolen wheels 1 grindstone. Wit: WILLIAM BATTLE. Signed: H Robertson, Feb. Ct. 1823. LEWIS BRYAN - deed book N-2, p. 86, 20 Nov. 1824 WILLIAM ALLEN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $250 , NS Bushes Sw. adj. lands of WILLIAM BRYAN, SIMON. BRYAN, & HARDY BRYAN, being a part of land deeded by ASA BRYAN to his son LEWIS BRYAN, including the plant. where LEWIS BRYAN lives, part of a survey patent to GREEN. Wit: JOSEPH BRYAN, AARON GODWIN. Signed: WILLIAM ALLEN, Nov. Ct. 1825. LOVERY BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 156; 1 Sept. 1791 MALCOM GILLES of New Bern to BRYAN WHITFIELD of DobbsCo. for 60 pounds, 200 acres on Poplar Br. near Rands corner, adj. SAMUEL SMITH, WILLIAM BRYAN & BLURTON. Wit: BENJ COB, N POWELL, LOVERY BRYAN. Signed: M GILLIS, May Ct. 1792. LOVERY BRYAN - deed book T-1, p. 331, 28 Dec. 1793 ARCHIBALD PEEBLES of Johnston Co. appoints ABNER PEEBLES his brother & trusty friend, his lawful Atty., to demand of SAMUEL PEEBLES Admr. of Est. of my father RICHARD PEEBLES, dec. late of Prince George Co. VA, my dist. share of sd Est. as one of lawful heirs. Wit: LOVERY BRYAN, OBED JOHNSON. Signed: ARCHEBALD (X) PEEBLES, Aug. Ct. 1794. LUIS BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 407, 13 Feb. 1798 JOHN WATSON of Johnston Co. sells to MATTHEW STURDIVANT of Johnston Co. for 55 pounds, a negro woman EASTER ca. 35 yrs. & child SHADE ca 1 yr., negro boy SIMON ca. 9 yrs. Wit: JOHN KILLINGSWORTH, LUIS BRYAN, JOSIAH WATSON. Signed: JOHN WATSON (his mark), Feb. Ct. 1798. MARY BRYAN - deed book D, p. 99 Will of ROBERT BRYANT, dated 10 December 1760, prob. April Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT), son LEWIS, daug: ELIZABETH, MARY, CHARITY, _________SEY; bro. CHARLES BRYANT; negroes POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place, DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exec. WILLIAM HINTON, wife, & CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELIZABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. MARY BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 84, 4 Sept. 1818 ALLEN S BALLENGER, Shff Johnston Co to JOHN MACLEOD Johnston Co for $299, 556 acres, order by Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co. 3 tracts of land, WILLIAM SASSER, dec, which descended to LEWIS SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, SUSAHAH STEVENS w/o EDWARD STEVENS, MARY BRYAN w/o BENJAMIN. BRYAN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS, BETSY WILLIAMS, heirs of WILLIAM SASSER, dec., lands in Johnston Co, part of land purchased from DISMUKES & wife. Wit: RAY HELME, DANIEL BOON; ALLEN S BALLENGER, Shff, May Ct. 1819. MARY BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 128, 25 May 1809 ALLEN S BALLENGER Shff of Johnston Co. to JOHN WASHINGTON of Lenior Co. for $700 sold by order of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co. as prop. of WILLIAM SASSER dec. lands that should descend to heirs LEWIS SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, SUSANNAH STEVENS w./o EDWARD STEVENS, MARY BRYAN w/o BENJAMIN. BRYAN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, BETSY WILLIAMS, & SUSANNAH WILLIAMS . . debt of 2,234p. 9 sh, 4d. . Lot #34 in Smithfield. Wit: P. COLLIER, DAVID THOMSON A S BALLENGER, Shff, May Ct. 1819. MARY BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 136, 28 Feb. 1821 ALLEN S BALLENGER, Shff Johnston Co, to REUBEN SANDERS Johnston Co for $1, 320, by order of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co, the lands of WILLIAM SASSER which descended to LEWIS SASSER, JOHN SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, SUSANNAH STEVENS w/o EDWARD, MARY BRYAN w/o BENJAMIN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS, & BETSEY WILLIAMS his heirs at Page 30 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 law, warrant by REUBEN SANDERS against heirs for debt of $2,234 p. 9sh, 41/2 d with interest from 27 Sept 1818 of 16p 10sh 2d. Wit: R H HELME, B BRIDGERS, WILLIAM M. WHITE. Signed: D. H. BRYAN CME FEB. CT. 1821. MARY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 11, 2 May 1821 HERBERT ROBERTSON of Johnston Co.. to JOHN H. BRYAN, MARY BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, EVELINE BRYAN, children of JOHN A. BRYAN & his wife ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my grandchildren, thereunto me moving. all good, chattels, 3 beds & furn. household furn., 1 still with implements, all hogs, 2 walnut tables, 1 bofat, 6 pewter basons, & 6 pewter plates, 15 chairs, all earthen ware & wood ware, 3 covered trunks, 2 woolen wheels 1 grindstone. Wit: WILLIAM BATTLE. Signed: H Robertson, Feb. Ct. 1823. MARY ELIZA BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 133, 16 January 1821 HERBERT ROBINSON of Johnston Co. of 1st part, RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. of 2nd part, JOHN A. BRYAN of Johnston 3rd part, & ELIZABETH H. BRYAN w/o JOHN A. BRYAN & MARY ELIZA BRYAN, JOHN HENRY BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, ELBERT BRYAN & EVELINE BRYAN , children of sd JOHN A & ELIZABETH BRYAN of 4th part, that HERBERT ROBINSON being desirous of providing for the aforesaid ELIZABETH'S maintainance during her natural life. . provisions shall not be affected by any debts or contracts of her husband, for NL & consideration of 5 sh. paid to him by said RANSOM HINTON. . . the following negroes & their increase either by keeping them in her service or receiving the proceeds of their hire as she may need from time to time . . DICE, CANDIS, PHILIS, CLARY, CHAPPEL, HARRIET, & ZILLA. . free from control of her husband during the time of her natural life . . . and at her death, sd RANSOM HINTON shall divide the same between her children of her present or future husband. . . if at her death she leaves no living issue, sd negroes & their increase, in trust, be divided equally among the children of WILLIS HINTON. Wit: CHS. W. LEE. Signed: H ROBERTSON, R. HINTON, JOHN A. BRYAN, ELIZABETH BRYAN, 17 Jan. 1821. N. BRYAN - deed bok E-1, p. 230, 2 May 1767 RICHARD LEAVENS & w JANE of Johnston Co., house joiner, to NEEDHAM BRYAN of Johnston Co for 75 pounds, 493 acres Walnut Ck. adj. JOHN SMITH line, incl. plant. & improvements where sd LEAVENS now lives, granted to LEAVENS, by GRANVILLE 1 April 1763. Wit: N. BRYAN, SAM SMITH, JOHN RAND. Signed: RICHARD LEAVENS, JANE (X) LEAVENS, July Ct. 1767. N. W. BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 84, 10 Aug. 1813 THOMAS J WALTON of Johnston Co. sells to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. a negro man ISAAC ca. 22 yrs. Wit: N. W. BRYAN. Signed: T J WALTON, Nov. Ct. 1813. N. W. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 220, 25 Feb. 1817 SAMUEL NORSWORTHY Shff of Johnston Co. sells to JOHN EASON, JONATHAN T EASON, & HENRY EASON all heirs of JOHN EASON dec. of Johnston Co. by order of Ct. of P & Q of Johnston Co. 1st sale, prop. did not sell. 1 Aug. 1806 sale at which JOHN EASON became the highest bidder for $168 goods & chattels of JONAS FROST & BLAKE BRADDY, 793 aces NS Middle Ck. Steep Hill Br. Wit: N. W. BRYAN. Signed S NORSWORTHY Shff, Feb. Ct. 1818. N. W. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 15; 24 Nov. 1818 REDDIN JOHNSON & w MATILDA of Johnston Co. to JOHN FARMER of Johnston Co. for $100, 1/5 of 300 acres land in Johnston Co. belonging to Est. of HENRY POWELL, dec., from his father ISAAC POWELL, Aug. 1806. Wit: N. W. BRYAN, D BELL. Signed: REDDIN JOHNSON, MATILDA (X) JOHNSON, Nov. Ct. 1818. MATILDA JOHNSON exam for consent. N. W. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 110; June 1816 HENRY BARNES of Johnston Co. to NATHANIEL JONES of Johnston Co. for $25, 1 undivided part of lands of JOHN BARNES, Page 31 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 dec., that descended to heirs at law. right & title to my 1/6 undivided part. Wit: DAVID AVERA, N. W. BRYAN. Signed HENRY BARNES, Nov. Ct 1820. N. W. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 223, (no date) WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN & D. H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to PHILLIP JOHNSON of Johnston Co for $437.50; 350 acres in Cumberland Co ES Black River in Turkey Pen Br., grant to CHARLES FALKNER 9 March 1768. Wit: JONATHAN MACLEOD, JAMES FARRIOR. Signed WILLIAM M. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN, D. H. BRYAN, 25 Sept. 1821. N. W. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 358, 5 Dec. 1821 A S BALLENGER Shff of Johnston Co. sells to SETH JONES of Johnston Co. for $300, a negro boy REMUS, sold 29 Nov. 1821 as prop. of SAMUEL G SMITH. Wit: N. W. BRYAN, B BRIDGERS. Signed: A S BALLENGER, Shff, May Ct. 1822. NANCY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 48, 9 Nov. 1816 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. and RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. to REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co. wheres a marriage is intended shortly between LEWIS WHITFIELD & PATSY BRYAN, it is the intention that land & negroes should be conveyed to PATSY HINTON, to her own & separate use . . if PATSEY die, without further issue the land & negroes to equally divided between children of BYTHON, NANCY, AND THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: BRYAN WHITFIELD, JR, WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JOSHUA R. HINTON. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, PATSEY BRYAN, RANS HINTON, Feb Ct. 1816. NANCY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 393, 10 April 1816 JESSE GREEN, JR. WILLIAM GREEN, LABON GREEN, SION GREEN, BRYANT GREEN, DEMPSEY GREEN, MILLEY GREEN, SAMUEL WILDER & w POLLY, JAMES BRYAN & w NANCY, WILLIAM SMITH & w CINTHY of Johnston Co to REDDEN GREEN of Johnston Co. all parties being heirs of JESSE GREEN, SR. dec. for NL & Aff. to REDDEN GREEN, our brother all the land, houses ca. 75 acres. Wit: L MCINVAILL, JAMES SMITH. Signed: JESSE GREEN, WILLIAM. GREEN, LABAN GREEN, SION GREEN, BRIAN GREEN, DEMCY GREEN, E SMITH, MILLY (X) GREEN, SAMUEL WILDER, POLLY (X) WILDER, JAMES BRYAN, NANCY (X) BRYAN, CYNTHA (her mark) SMITH. Aug. Ct. 1817. NANCY BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 145, 12 July 1819 LYDIA MCCULLERS of Johnston Co. to HENRY BARNES & WILLIAM HENRY GUY of Johnston Co. for $1.00 in trust for the use of NANCY BRYAN w/o NEEDHAM W. BRYAN, 2 lots in Smithfield #28 & #29, for 10 years & build on said lot a frame dwelling house, at the same time reserving for myself, the right of living there with sd NANCY BRYAN & her husband. Wit: M LLOYD HILL, TRANQUILLY HILL. Signed: LYDIA (X) MCCULLERS, Aug. Ct. 1819. NANCY BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 111, 20 July 1816 NEEDHAM W. BRYAN & w NANCY of Johnston Co. to NATHANIEL JONES of Johnston Co for $25, 1/6 part of land which JOHN BARNES dec. late of Johnston Co. that descended to NWB & w NANCY adj. NATHANIEL JONES, ARTHUR AUSTIN & heirs of THOMAS THARPE. Wit: THOMAS THARP, HENRY BARNES. Signed N. W. BRYAN, NANCY BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1820. NANCY BRYAN exam. for consent. NANCY BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 397, 1 June 1824 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. from a principle of justice towards BYTHAN BRYAN & NANCY BRYAN, children of my present wife PATSY WHITFIELD. . relinquish all right & quit claim to anything that may be coming to me, as the husband of PATSY WHITFIELD by the death of her husband THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: GEO. BARBER, JR. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, Aug. Ct. 1824. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book B-1, p. 428, 19 Oct. 1762 SAMUEL BENTON & w FRANCIS BENTON of Granville Co. to BENJN HARDY of Johnston Co. for 200 pounds, 570 acres in Johnston Co on Middle Prong of Smiths Ck., land granted to SAMUEL BENTON by GRANVILLE agents 20 Oct. 1751 & 200 acres ES Middle Prong of Smiths Ck granted to Page 32 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 WILLIAM HALL by GRANVILLE 1 March 1754. Wit: NIMROD MITCHELL, JACOB WALLIS. Signed: NEEDHAM BRYAN, CC Oct. CT. 1762 NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #1, p. 163 (Beginning of will of EMANUAL DEES missing.) Legatees: sons DREURY & DANIEL DEES; dau HANAH BENTON; dau PRESELA BRATCHER; dau SUSANA GUING; son in law THOMAS; grandau OLIEF HATCHER; JOHN SMITH , merchant & SAMUEL SMITH, his brother; wife ELIZABETH DEES; negro BERT; friend ROBERT HATCHER. Exec. son DANIEL DEES. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN, JEAN RATLIFF, WILLIAM DEES. Signed: EMANUEL (M) DEES, Nov. Ct. 1770. NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR., - deed book Transcript #1, p. 164, 28 Nov. 1770 NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR. chairman of Inferior Ct of Johnston Co puts LEADHAM SMITH apprentice to WILLIAM WALTON to be taught in reading & writing until 20 yrs. he now being 6 yrs. Wit: JONATHAN RAND. Signed: NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR., WILLIAM WALTON. NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR. - deed book Transcript #1, p. 164, 28 Nov. 1770 HENRY PENNY to JOHN BLEDSOE between NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR. chairman of Inferior Ct. of Johnston Co. and HENRY PENNY, apprentice to JOHN BLEDSOE be taught in reading & writing until he reaches 21 yrs. now being 14 yrs. Wit: JONATHAN RAND. Signed: NEEDHAM BRYAN,SR., JOHN BLEDSOE. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #1, p. 165, 28 Nov. 1770 JAMES MARTIN Esq. Chairman of Inferior Ct. of Johnston Co puts HOWEL WOODS apprentice to NEEDHAM BRYAN to be taught reading & writing now ca. 17 yrs. until of age. Wit: JONATHAN RAND. Signed: JAMES MARTIN, NEEDHAM BRYAN. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book D-1, p. 176, 10 Nov. 1763 JOHN POWELL of Johnston Co to JESSEE POWELL of Johnston Co, for LGW & quit rents, 200 acres SS Neuse River, being the lower part of a tract granted to ABRAHAM POWELL 25 March 1748 for 400 acres. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYANT, WILLIAM INGRAM. Signed: JOHN POWELL. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book D-1, p. 214, 22 Sept. 1764 JAMES JONES of Johnston Co to SIMON TURNER of Johnston Co for 175 pounds, 463 acres BS Swift Ck. adj. BEASLEY, part of tract granted to JAMES JONES 29 Oct. Wit: THEOP HUNTER, NEEDM BRYAN, THO AVERA. Signed JAMES (X) JONES, MARY (X) JONES. Jan Ct. 1765. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 43, (no date) NEEDHAM BRYAN & w SOPHIE of Johnston Co to NEEDHAM BRYAN ,JR., of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son, 2 plant. (1) 250 acres on SS Black Ck. pat. to NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR., April 1752. (2) 150 acres adj. other tract & JOHN LAWHORNS line, pat. to NEEDHAM BRYAN,SR., 23 Dec. 1763, by delivering 1 sh. sterling or 1 piece silver commonly called spistrsen. Wit: BENJ HARDY, JOSEPH HINTON. Signed: NEEDHAM (X) BRYAN, SOPHIA (X) BRYAN. SOPHIA BRYAN exam by WILLIAM BRYAN, Esq. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 230, 2 May 1767 RICHARD LEAVENS & w JANE of Johnston Co. house joiner, to NEEDHAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 75 pounds 493 acres Walnut Ck. adj. JOHN SMITH line, incl. plant. & improvements where sd LEAVENS now lives, granted to LEAVENS by GRANVILLE 1 April 1763. Wit: N. BRYAN, SAM SMITH, JOHN RAND. Signed: RICHARD LEAVENS, JANE (X) LEAVENS, July Ct. 1767. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 1 I, JOSEPH HINTON,s/o WILLIAM HINTON, late of Johnston Co, have received from MAJOR NEEDHAM BRYAN of Johnston Co, who was my Guard. the sum of 50 pounds 16 sh 7d in full of my portion of my father's Estate. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR. Signed: JOSEPH HINTON, May Ct. 1769. Page 33 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 70, 29 Jan. 1788 DEWITT DEES of Washington Co. GA to DANIEL DEES of Johnston Co for 50 pounds, 183 acres in Johnston Co, NS Neuse River, BS Cyprus Sw., incl. the plant. whereon JOHN DAVIS lives adj. EMANUEL DEES, BENJAMIN RATCLIFF, NEEDHAM BRYAN, THOMAS GUIN, 183 acres. Wit: SHADRACK INGRAM, EDMOND DEES. Signed: DEUIT DEES, Feb. Ct. 1788. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 247, 8 Jan. 1789 WILLIAM CRIDILLE of Johnston Co. to the Admr. of Est. of NEEDHAM BRYAN dec. of Wake Co. for 40 pounds all moveable prop. beds & furn. & kitchen utensils. the cond. of this Bill of Sale is that if sd WILLIAM CRIDILLE do pay sd Admr. of sd BRYAN sum of 40 pounds, on or before 25 Dec. next, the within bill is to be void. Wit: JOHN ISLER. Signed: WILLIAM CRIDILLE, Nov. Ct. 1789. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 515, 30 Aug. 1771 JOHN SMITH, JUNR. of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, HENRY RAINS, JAMES WOOTEN, DAVID HOLLIMON, & JOHN HINNANT Justices for the county of Johnston for 5 pounds paid in behalf & for the County of Johnston, a lot cont. 1 acre part of the tract whereon sd JOHN SMITH now dwells, NS Neuse River. . .dwelling house of JOHN SMITH. . . for the sole interest of sd County of Johnston for & during the Court for the Co shall be held according to law . . for a Court house, prison & stocks. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN,JR., JESSE POWELL. Signed: JOHN SMITH. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 45, May 1772 JOHN BRADSHAW of SC, St. Davids Parish to THOMAS GEWIN of Johnston Co for 10 pounds 160 acre plant. NS Neuse River, adj. THOS HARREL, Cohura Gut & FARMERS corner. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN, JOHN BROWN. Signed: JOHN BRADSHAW, Aug. Ct. 1772. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 195, 24 Sept 1774 RICHARD WILLOUGHBY of Johnston Co to ANTHONY WILLOUGHBY of Johnston Co for 50 pounds, 200 acres being part of tract sd WILLOUGHBY bought of NATHANIEL CARY, near road leading to the Swift Ck. Bridge. Wit: JOHN BROWN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR. Signed: RICHARD WILLOUGHBY, MARY WILLOUGHBY. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 298, 1 Feb. 1775 ELIAS CRAFFORD of Johnston Co. sells to WILLIAM AVERA for 50 pounds bed & furn, kitchen utensils, tools, 1 Testament. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN, WILLIAM WARD. Signed: ELIAS CRAFFORD (his mark). NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book O-1,p. 152, 23 Feb. 1776 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co. to EDNEY BRYAN & RIDLEY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my daus. . . 320 acres on Marks Ck. . . being part of a tract taken up by WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his lifetime . . the deed. . nowin hands of Colo. NEEDHAM BRYAN. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1780. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book L-1,p. 183, 8 April 1782 JOHN SMITH of Johnston Co. to SAMUEL SMITH for GW & Aff. to my son, negro man BALTIMORE, negro woman DOLL and all their increase, together with the land and improvement bought from THOMAS ODOM. . . all livestock . . . now in the poss. of SAMUEL SMITH on the plant. whereon sd BALTIMORE now lives. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN, J BUSH, ARTHUR BRYAN. Signed: JOHN SMITH, May Ct. 1782. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 186, 12 Aug. 1806 SAMUEL SMITH,SR., of Johnston Co. to SAMUEL SMITH, JR., of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son, tracts (1) 350 acres NS Buffelow, Honeycutt Place,. . . (2) 640 acres BS Buffelow Sw. adj. above land. . . (3) 640 acres SS Great Buffelow adj. 1st tract granted to THOMAS PRICE, Page 34 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 then by LW & T of sd PRICE to his daughter PERCULA SPICER w/o JAMES SPICER, then to SAM SMITH by deed. (4) 100 acres adj. AMBROSE RAINS, JAMES SPICER & THOMAS BUTCHER (5) 100 acres adj. above tract granted to JOHN VINSON then to SAM SMITH by deed. (6) 10 acres adj. above tract granted to SAMUEL SMITH. (7) 250 acres adj. above tract SS Buffelow & THOMAS PRICE line granted to SAMUEL SMITH. (8) 490 acres below Buffelow Swamp & Little River on Long Br. adj. JOHN STANCIL, JR., Galberry Pocosin. . . part of survey grant to JAMES SPICER 21 Oct. 1782. . . (9) SS Buffelow Sw. adj. JOHN POOLS corner, SAMUEL SMITH & JOHN VINSON line (acres not given) Wit: E SMITH, NEEDHAM BRYAN. Signed: SAM SMITH, Feb. Ct. 1807. NEEDHAM BRYAN - H-2, p. 393, 1 Dec. 1814 DEMPSEY ALLEN of Johnston Co. to MICAJAH MUSGROVE of Wayne Co. for $419, (1) NS main prong of Mingo Sw., granted to NEEDHAM BRYAN (2) 29 acre grant to DEMPSEY ALLEN (3) 100 acres grant to WILLIAM RYALS. Wit: JEREMIAH JOHNSON, PAYTON IVEY. Signed: DEMPSEY ALLEN, ELIZABETH (X) ALLEN, May Ct. 1816. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 166 25 March 1811 HARDY BRYAN JR of Johnston Co. sells to NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR, of Johnston Co for 200 pounds a negro man GUILFORD ca. 29 years. Wit: D. H. BRYAN Signed HARDY BRYAN, Nov. Ct 1817. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 177, 13 July 1819 HENRY GUY of Smithfield to JAMES FARRIOR of Smithfield. . . HENRY GUY is indebted to HINTON & BRAME of Petersburg, VA, for $8,151.83 & to satisfy the debt, sells to JAMES FARRIOR 1000 acrres land in JOHNSTON CO adj. NEEDHAM BRYAN, heirs of DANIEL DEES, dec., 137 acres 3 miles below Smithfield; 200 acres E of Smithfield adj. JOHN WILLIAMS & JOSHUA CREECH, lot #91 in Smithfield, a negro man JOE, negro women JUDAY & FIBBY, all merchandise in storehouse of HENRY GUY . . . if he satisfies the debt, then this obligation is void. Wit: H E CURTIN, THOMAS SR BROWN, SAMUEL HINTON. Signed: H GUY, JOHN HINTON, S C BRAME, JAMES FARRIOR, Nov. Ct. 1819. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 76, June 1818 WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co. 547 acres total . . . HARDY BRYAN died ca. 24 April 1815 intestate . . . HARRY BRYAN share - adj. AS Middle Ck., HENRY AVERA dec heirs, JAMES DURHAM, upper Juniper Br. adj. DAVID AVERA & REUBEN SANDERS lines. Wit: JAMES WELLONS, ETHELDRED BELL. Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1820. NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 184, 25 Dec. 1823 BRASWELL BRIDGERS, Exec. of Will of JOHN PARRISH, dec. of Johnston Co sells to JAMES STALLINGS of Johnston Co for $270, a negro girl FILSA. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN. Signed: B BRIDGERS, Exec.,Feb. Ct. 1824 NEEDHAM BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 426, 23 Oct. 1824 ELIZA AVERA of Johnston Co to AARON AVERA of Johnston Co. for $120 , all my claim in a tract of land formerly owned by DANIEL AVERA, dec., my father, on Swift Ck. adj. CADER POWELL & NEEDHAM BRYANT. . . I am entitled to 1/11 part. Wit: WILLIAM AVERA, PATIENCE AVERA. Signed: ELIZA AVERA, Nov. Ct. 1824. NEEDHAM G. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 42, 26 Feb. 1819 NEEDHAM BRYAN of Johnston Co to THOMAS RICE of Johnston Co for $225., lot #57 in the town of Smithfield conv. by Comm. to KEDAR BRYAN & from KEDAR BRYAN to LOVERD BRYAN & by will to NEEDAM G. BRYAN. Wit: B ROBIN HOOD, L PRICE, JOHN PARISH. Signed: N. G. BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1819. Page 35 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 NEEDHAM G. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 181, 29 July 1819 BENJAMIN W WILLIAMS of Moore Co to NEEDHAM G. BRYAN of Johnston Co for $5,000, land in Johnston Co. NS Neuse River, being all the land where BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, SR., & BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, JR., formerly lived, by the name "Woodbury" adj. NEEDHAM G. BRYAN, BRIGHT JERNIGAN, and the river. Wit: JAMES GRISWALD, J MARTIN. Signed: B W WILLIAMS, Nov. Ct. 1819. NEEDHAM G. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 288, 1 Jan. 1822 WILLIAM POWELL of Johnston Co, Admr. of ISAAC POWELL, dec. of Johnston Co. sells to NEEDHAM G. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $437., ordered by Court of P&Q, a negro MIKE. Wit: WILLIAM HEN GUY. Signed: WILLIAM POWELL, Admr. Feb. Ct. 1822. NEEDHAM G. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 202, 7 Feb. 124 WILLIAM STEVENS of Johnston Co. to HENRY STEVENS of Johnston Co. for LGW & Aff. to my son, land between Neuse River & Mill Ck. on the run of Muddy Sw., adj. EDWARD STEVENS, GREEN ATKINSON, 300 acres. Wit: B. ROBIN HOOD, NEEDHAM G. BRYAN. Signed: WILLIAM STEVENS, Feb. Ct. 1824. NEEDHAM G. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 400, 24 Feb. 1824 NEEDHAM INGRAM of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM HOLLOWELL late of Wayne Co., for consideration of $3,220 paid by WILLIAM HOLLOWELL, 720 acres land on Neuse River adj. NEEDHAM G. BRYAN, Bay Br. & JOSEPH INGRAM. Wit: MICAJAH COX, WILLIAM COX. Signed: Nm INGRAM, Aug. Ct. 1824. NEEDHAM G. BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 436, 27 Feb. 1823 ASA BISHOP of Johnston Co. to JOSEPH STRICKLAND of Wayne Co. for $250, SS Mill Ck. adj. NEEDHAM G BRAN, WILLIAM HOLT, 124 acres. part of a grant to ETHELDRED HOWELL 21 Oct. 1782. Wit: B. ROBIN HOOD, H STEVENS. Signed: ASA BISHOP, Nov. Ct. 1824. NEEDHAM W. BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 141, 22 January 1813 HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to NEEDHAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 200 pounds, negro woman ROSE ca. 28 yrs. and negro girl child MARGARET 11 mos. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1814. NEEDHAM W. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 167, 24 Sept. 1817 JOHN G GULLEY sells to NEEDHAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $475 a negro man WILL. Wit: RAY HELME. Signed: JONATHAN G. GULLEY, Nov. Ct. 1817. NEEDHAM W. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 391, 15 June 1818 HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. . . . 25 April 1815 HARDY BRYAN died intestate. . land BS Middle Ck. including the plant. & dwelling house of sd dec., 2,176 acres adj. JAMES DURHAM, JOHN AVERA, REUBEN SANDERS, ABNER PEEPLES, DAVID AVERA & heirs of HENRY AVERA . . which lands descended to afore sd HARRY, NEEDHAM, DAVID & WILLIAM W. BRYAN, the only heirs & rep. of dec. all (4) of lawful age to WILLIAM W. BRYAN - the share of same on BS Ck. including plantation whereon NATHANIEL GILES formerly lived, & where WILLIAM W. BRYAN lately lived 362 acres. Wi: ETHELDRED BELL, JONATHAN WELLONS. Signed: HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1818. NEEDHAM W. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 145, 12 July 1819 LYDIA MCCULLERS of Johnston Co. to HENRY BARNES & WILLIAM HENRY GUY of Johnston Co. for $1.00 in trust for the use of NANCY BRYAN w/o NEEDHAM W. BRYAN, 2 lots in Smithfield #28 & #29, for 10 years & build on said lot a frame dewlling house, at the same time reserving for myself, the right of living there with sd NANCY BRYAN & her husband. Wit: M LLOYD HILL, TRANQUILLY HILL. Signed: LYDIA (X) MCCULLERS, Aug. Ct. 1819. Page 36 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 NEEDHAM W. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 111, 20 July 1816 NEEDHAM W. BRYAN & w NANCY of Johnston Co. to NATHANIEL JONES of Johnston Co for $25, 1/6 part of land which JOHN BARNES dec. late of Johnston Co. that descended to NWB & w NANCY adj. NATHANIEL JONES, ARTHUR AUSTIN & heirs of THOMAS THARPE. Wit: THOMAS THARP, HENRY BARNES. Signed N. W. BRYAN, NANCY BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1820. NANCY BRYAN exam. for consent. NEEDHAM W. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 451, 23 Feb. 1823 NEEDHAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co to LYDIA MCCULLERS of Johnston Co for $319.25, for 25 barrels of corn, 43 lb bacon, bed & furn. , livestock . . debt due. Wit: D. H. BRYAN. Signed: NEEDHAM W. BRYAN 25 March 1823. PATSY BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 124, 28 Sept. 1813 REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co & RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. for 12 sh . . PATSY BRYAN w/o JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co & child of PATSY HINTON, land in Johnston Co. which was willed to sd JOHN BRYAN by his father WILLIAM BRYAN, dec. ca 1482 acres, negro slaves PHEBE, CHARLOTTE, & all his right & title during natural life of PATSY, slaves BOB, PHILLIS, ANY, CHERRY, ARCHELLIS, WILLIE, DINAH, ARNOLD, DAVID, ELLICK, SQUIRE, ARON, POLLY, LOTTY, MOSES, SILVY, MARZILLA, CHARITY, JOHN & RHODA. Wit: WILLIAM BECKWITH, WILL SASSER, L G SMITH. Signed: R. SANDERS, RANS HINTON, Feb.Ct. 1814. PATSY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 48, 9 Nov. 1816 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. and RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. to REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co. whereas a marriage is intended shortly between LEWIS WHITFIELD& PATSY BRYAN, it is the intention that land & negroes should be conveyed to PATSY HINTON, to her own & separate use . . if PATSEY die, without further issue the land & negroes to equally divided between children of BYTHON, NANCY, AND THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: BRYAN WHITFIELD, JR, WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JOSHUA R. HINTON. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, PATSEY BRYAN, RANS HINTON, Feb Ct. 1816. PATSY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 372, 27 March 1816 JONATHAN MCCULLERS of Johnston Co. to PATSEY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for LGW & Aff. to my dau., 4 negroes - CHERRY, RICHMOND, NANCY & PENNY. Wit: E SMITH. Signed: JONATHAN MCCULLERS, Aug. Ct. 1817. POLLEY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 101, 27 May 1817 BENJAMIN. BRYAN and w. POLLY of state of GA to ROBERT GULLEY Johnston Co. for $200 all our interest & claim or share in Est. of real & personal Est of WILLIAM SASSER, dec. of Johnston Co. div. By order of Ct. Feb. 1817 Lot #1 225 acres. Wit: R H HELME, Dd TURNER Signed: BENJAMIN. BRYAN, POLLEY BRYAN, May Ct. 1817. READING D BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 196- 25 March 1818 READING D. BRYAN exec of Est. of JOHN BRYAN dec late of Burke Co. GA, to DAVID PEACOCK of Johnston Co for 40 pounds for 40 acres on waters of Mill Ck. Wit: SIMON. BRYAN, A BRYAN, JR. Signed: REDDING D. BRYAN, Exec. Feb. Ct. 1820. READING D BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 262, 31 March 1818 READING D BRYAN of Johnston Co. appt. WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. as my lawful Atty. to act for me as a legatee of MOSES GRIFFIS/GRIFFIN, dec. of NC. Wit: SIMON. BRYAN, JOHN PEACOCK. Signed: READING D BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1821. RIDLEY BRYAN - deed book O-1,p. 152, 23 Feb. 1776 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co. to EDNEY BRYAN & RIDLEY BRYAN of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my daus. . . 320 acres on Marks Ck. . . being part of a tract taken up by WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his Page 37 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 lifetime . . the deed. . nowin hands of Colo. NEEDHAM BRYAN. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1780. ROBERT BRYAN - deed book D, p. 99 Will of ROBERT BRYANT, dated 10 December 1760, prob. April Ct. 1761, Legatees: wife (CHARITY BRYANT), son LEWIS, daug: ELIZABETH, MARY, CHARITY, _________SEY; bro. CHARLES BRYANT; negroes POMPEY, HARRY; JOHN HAYLES place, DICK EDWARDS place; EDWARD POOR. Exec. WILLIAM HINTON, wife, & CHARLES BRYANT. Signed: ROBERT BRYANT Wit: BENJAMIN. BRYANT, ELIZABETH PAGE, ALCE BRYANT. ROBERT BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 163; 7 February 1774 SIMON SALTER & w MARY of Granville Co. SC to DAVID HOLLIMAN of Johnston Co. for 30 pounds, 305 acres BS Little River adj Cattail Br. being part of tract granted to ROBERT BRYANT, dec. by GRANVILLE. Wit: WILLIAM BANKS, JOHN LEE, CHARITY BRYANT. Signed: SIMON (X) SALTER, MARY (X) SALTER, Aug Ct. 1774. ROBERT BRYAN - deed book H-1, p.258, 15 Nov. 1775 JAMES HALLIMON of Johnston Co. to SAMUEL HALLIMON of Johnston Co. for 80 pounds, 2336 acres NS Little River . . . part of a grant to ROBERT BRYAN by GRANVILLE, adj. BOYKIN, JAMES HALLIMON & SOLOMON JOHNSON. . . ELIZABETH HOLLIMON w/o sd JAMES HOLLIMON surrenders her right of dower and thirds. Wit: DAVID HOLLIMON, SOLOMON JOHNSON. Signed: JAMES HOLLIMON, ELIZABETH (her mark)HOLLIMON. ROBERT BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 226, 2 Oct. 1812 LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co to FREDRICK. BRYAN of Johnston for NL & Aff. to my son 150 acres Harris Br. incl. the plant. adj. JAMES BRYAN. Wit. THOMAS O'NEAL, ROBERT BRYAN. Signed: LEWIS (B) BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1818. SALLY BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 205, 20 May 1817 JOHN GULLEY, GEORGE GULLEY, JOHN G. GULLEY, ROBERT GULLEY, JR, NATHAN GULLEY, JOHN WALL & w MARY, FREDRICK. BRYAN & w a SALLY, DAVID LUNSFORD & w NANCE of Johnston Coo, to ENOCH WHITLEY for $5., all right & title & claim or share of land adj. WATSON & GEO WIMBERLY bought by ROBERT GULLEY, dec. from BRYAN GREEN. Wit: W. RICHARDSON, WILLIE WHITLEY. Signed: JOHN GULLEY, SR., JOHN G GULLEY, GEORGE GULLEY, JOHN (X) WALL, MARY (X) WALL, FREDRICK. BRYAN, SALLEY (X) BRYAN. Aug. Ct. 1817. SAMUEL BRYAN - deed book X-1, p. 29, 20 Feb. 1798 JESSE SMITH of Wake Co. to BATT BOOTHE of Johnston Co. for 200 pounds, tracts (1) 150 acres SS Neuse River BS of Cabin Prong Br. (2) 250 acres Cabin Prong Br. below the manor plant. being land JESSE SMITH bought from JACOB DELK. Wit: R SANDERS, SAMUEL BRYAN. Signed: JESSE (X) SMITH, May Ct. 1798. SARAH BRYAN - deed book L-1, p. 186, 9 March 1782 SARAH BRYAN of Johnston Co to LEWIS BRYAN for NL & Aff. To son, all that land on Marks Ck. which came to her by will of WILLIAM HINTON her father. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, BAML WILLIAMS. Signed: SARAH BRYAN, May Ct. 1782. SARAH BRYAN - deed book B-2, p. 85, 12 March 1802 LEWIS BRYAN of Buncomb Co. to JOHN RUSSELL of Johnston Co for $1,000, 260 acres NS Neuse River on Marks Ck. adj. CHRISTOPHER CURTIS & LEWIS BRYAN all that tract of land deeded to me by my mother SARAH BRYAN, left to her by her father WILLIAM HINTON, dec. in his LW &T. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, SAMUEL LEE, JR. Signed: LEWIS BRYAN, May Ct. 1802. SIMON. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 196- 25 March 1818 READING D. BRYAN exec of Est. of JOHN BRYAN dec late of Burke Co. GA, to DAVID PEACOCK of Johnston Co for 40 Page 38 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 pounds for 40 acres on waters of Mill Ck. Wit: SIMON. BRYAN, A BRYAN, JR. Signed: REDDING D. BRYAN, Exec. SIMON. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 262, 31 March 1818 READING D BRYAN of Johnston Co. appt. WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. as my lawful Atty. to act for me as a legatee of MOSES GRIFFIS/GRIFFIN, dec. of NC. Wit: SIMON. BRYAN, JOHN PEACOCK. Signed: READING D BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1821. SOPHIA BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 43, (no date) NEEDHAM BRYAN & w SOPHIE of Johnston Co to NEEDHAM BRYAN ,JR., of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son, 2 plant. (1) 250 acres on SS Black Ck. pat. to NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR., April 1752. (2) 150 acres adj. other tract & JOHN LAWHORNS line, pat. to NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR., 23 Dec. 1763, by delivering 1 sh. sterling or 1 piece silver commonly called spistrsen. Wit: BENJ HARDY, JOSEPH HINTON. Signed: NEEDHAM (X) BRYAN, SOPHIA (X) BRYAN. SUSANNA BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 409, 24 Aug. 1824 DAVID H. BRYAN, Clerk & Master of Court of Law & Equity of Johnston Co. September term 1821: Pet. of HARRY BRYAN & wife SUSANNA; JOHN SELLERS & w ANNE; JOSIAH BLACKMAN & ESTHER BLACKMAN, infants by their Guard. HARRY BRYAN; of WILLIAM BLACKMAN, LOUISA BLACKMAN, POLLY & JOSIAH BLACKMAN, infant children of WILLIAM BLACKMAN dec, by their Guard. JOHN SELLERS; POLLY FELLOWS, ESTHER FELLOWS & JOSEPH JOSIAH FELLOWS infants of SALLY FELLOWS, dec. by JOHN FELLOWS their Guard. That ESTHER BLACKMAN late of Sampson Co. departed this life ca. 1819 l l having land in Johnston Co adj. JOHN WILLIAMS, ISAAC WILLIAMS, JANE WILLIAMS, SALLY GRICE & JOHN SELLERS, cont. ca. 1,015 acres . . sd intestate left to children & grandchildren. . that the sd lands be sold. . when JOHN SANDERS, SR. became the highest bidder for $6,031. Wit: JOHN T. BOSWORTH, THOS RICE. Signed: D. H. BRYAN, Clerk & Master Johnston Co Aug. Ct. 1824. THEOPHILUS BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 48, 9 Nov. 1816 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. and RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. to REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co. wheres a marriage is intended shortly between LEWIS WHITFIELD & PATSY BRYAN, it is the intention that land & negroes should be conveyed to PATSY HINTON, to her own & separate use . . if PATSEY die, without further issue the and & negroes to equally divided between children of BYTHON, NANCY, AND THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: BRYAN WHITFIELD, JR, WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JOSHUA R. HINTON. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, PATSEY BRYAN, RANS HINTON, Feb Ct. 1816. THEOPHILUS BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 48, 9 Nov. 1816 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. and RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. to REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co. wheres a marriage is intended shortly between LEWIS WHITFIELD & PATSY BRYAN, it is the intention that land & negroes should be conveyed to PATSY HINTON, to her own & separate use . . if PATSEY die, without further issue the and & negroes to equally divided between children of BYTHON, NANCY, AND THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: BRYAN WHITFIELD, JR, WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JOSHUA R. HINTON. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, PATSEY BRYAN, RANS HINTON, Feb Ct. 1816. W. BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 111, 16 February 1774 JOHN BEDINGFIELD SR. & w. PORTANE of Johnston Co to ARTHUR BRYAN of Johnston Co for 130 pounds, 480 acres part in Johnston Co. part in Wake Co. on SS Neuse River, part of pat. granted to JOHN HINTON 1745 & part granted by GRANVILLE 1761 and to JOHN BEDINGFIELD, SR. Wit: W. BRYAN, JOHN HINTON. signed: JOHN BEDINGFIELD, SR. FORTAIN (X) BEDINGFIELD, May Ct. 1774. W. BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 300, 3 April 1775 ELIZABETH NICHOLS & PHEREBY NICHOLS of Johnston Co. To MARY BALLANGER of Johnston Co. for 6 pounds, 10 sh, 25 acres SS Page 39 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 Neuse River bank above Beals Ck. as by the deed given to BENJAMIN NICHOLS. Wit: HARDY BRYAN, W. BRYAN, JOHN BALLENGER. Signed: ELIZABETH (her mark)NICHOLS. W. BRYAN - deed book I-1, 285, 21 Nov. 1778 JESSE ALLEN of Johnston Co to SAMUEL SMITH of Bladen Co. for NL & Aff. & other good causes. . Negroes LEWCEY, PHILLIS & NELL. Wit: W. BRYAN, BLAKE BRYAN Signed: JESSE (X) ALLEN Nov. Ct. 1779. W BYRAN - deed book V-1, p. 104, 21 Sept. 1795 DREWRY VINSON of Johnston Co. to ARCHIBALD VINSON of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son (1) 150 acres SS Nuse River, part of a pat. to FRANCIS BETTIS, 21 May 1741 (2) 300 acres on the River adj. Millers corner being a tract DREWRY VINSON bought from JOHN BAUCOM (3) 290 acres pat to JOHN VINSON,SR., SS Neuse River (4) 300 acres being part of a tract pat. to JOHN VENSON, SR., adj. AARON VINSON, Norris Ck. being this plant. whereon JOHN VINSON, SR., formerly lived. Wit: W. BRYAN, WINIFRED VINSON. Signed: DRURY VINSON, Nov. Ct. 1795 W. BRYAN - deed book E-2, p. 159, 14 Jan 1807 JOHN SMITH & SARAH SMITH of Johnston Co. a division of slaves from her father WILLIAM TURNER of Bertie Co. LW &T of WILLIAM TURNER, SR., of Bertie Co. NC, 30 May 1770 to dau SARAH SMITH, during her natural life, 2 negroes HANNAH & TILBO & their increase to be divided equal between ch. of SARAH, who intermarried with JOHN SMITH of Johnston Co & has the following children PATIENCE w/o DANIEL AVERYT, ETHELDRED SMITH, AARON SMITH, JOHN SMITH, TURNER SMITH & ALEXANDER SMITH. DANIEL AVERYT & w PATIENCE - TILBO, HANNAH & DORCAS ETHELDRED SMITH - NANCY, HANNAH THE YR, JACOB . . .AARON SMITH - PEG & FRANK JOHN SMITH YR. - JUDE, ISAAAC & TULLER . . . TURNER SMITH - ALLEN & HARMON . . ALEX SMITH - BRANDON & RACHEL. Wit: E SMITH, W. BRYAN, STARLLING JOHNSON. Signed: JOHN SMITH, SENR, SARAH (X) SMITH, DANIEL AVERYT, PATIENCE (P) AVERYT, ETHELD SMITH, AARON SMITH, TURNER SMITH, JOHN SMITH, JR., ALEX SMITH. Feb. Ct. 1807. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #1, p. 81, 10 July 1763 WILLIAM BRYANT of Johnston Co. to NATH KIMBROUGH of Johnston Co. witness that WILLIAM BRYAN hath put his son JOHN BRYAN under the tuition & managment of NATHL KIMBROUGH, until his son shall arrive at age 21. Wit: JOHN MCILROY, JONAL MARSHALL. Signed: NATHL KIMBROUGH, WILLIAM (X) BRYAN, July Ct. 1763. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book D-1, p. 166, 10 July 1764 JOHN SMITH, SR. of Johnston Co, to ELIZABETH BRYANT of Johnston Co. for LGW & Aff. to my grand-daughter, negro girl MILEY ca. 10 years, now in care & poss. of WILLIAM BRYANT. Wit: JOHN SMITH, SR. ALEX SMITH. Signed JOHN SMITH. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 206, 12 Jan. 1767 DANIEL CLARK of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 25 pounds, 1 black gilding, all my household goods, workng tools & all cattle & hoggs etc. Wit: LEWIS BRYAN, WILLIAM JERNIGAN. Signed: DANIEL CLARK, April Ct. 1767. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 376, 15 July 1768 Articles of Agreement between ISAAC WILLIAMS of Johnston Co. & WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. ISAAC WILLIAM did by a Deed of Gift to this dau ELIZABETH PEARCE, a tract of land NS Neuse River, being half of the land WILLIAMS bought from GEO POOL adj. upper side of Mill Br. 100 acres, land pat. to GEO POOL, reserving the privledge of tilling part of land during his nat. life, & that it sould not be sold nor swapt, yet ELIZABETH PEARCE, who married JESSE PEARCE disposed of the aforesaid land sells the land to WILLIAM BRYAN for 5 sh, hereby divesting myself of all right. Wit: MICAJAH STOKES, LEWIS BRYAN. Signed: ISAAC(his mark)WILLIAMS, Aug.Ct. 1768. Page 40 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 41, 15 Nov. 1769 JOHN DURHAM & w CHARITY of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 80 pounds, 100 acres NS Neuse River, being all that tract conv. by Deed of Gift from ISAAC WILLIAMS to sd JOHN DURHAM. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN, LEWIS BRYAN, JONATHAN RAND CC. Signed: JOHN DURHAM, CHARITY (X) DURHAM, Nov. Ct. 1769. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 84, 24 January 1783 ELIZABETH BRYAN of Johnston Co to JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co for L & Aff. to my son, 168 acres Johnston Co. SS Neuse River, land granted to her by deed from COL. JOHN SMITH, 21 August 1782, adj. SMITH & WILLIAM BRYAN, the river bank and WILLIAM BRYAN, dec. Wit: ARTHUR BRYAN, J. BUSH. Signed: ELIZABETH BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1783. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 171, 7 May 1783 ABRAHAM JORDON of Johnston Co to CALEB PENNY of Johnston Co for 8 pounds 10 sh. . . I acknowledge to have received in Silver money, the plant. where the sd ABRAHAM JORDON now lives adj. WILLIAM CARRELL, WILLIAM BRYAN, ABNER JORDAN & CALEB PENNY. Wit: JAMES MORRIS, ABNER JORDAN. Signed: ABRAHAM (X) JORDAN, MARY (X) JORDAN, Feb. Ct. 1784. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 174, Nov. 1783 ABRAHAM JORDON of Johnston Co. to Abner Jordon of Johnston Co. for L & Aff. to my son, 50 acres SS White Oak Sw., Meadow Br. & WILLIAM BRYAN. Wit: CALEB PENNY, SELAH JORDAN. Signed; ABRAHAM (X) JORDAN, Feb. Ct. 1784. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 235; 10 Dec. 1788 CALEB PENNY of Johnston Co. to JESSE SMITH of Johnston Co. for 25 pounds, 89 acres incl. plant. whereon LEDOM SMITH now dwells adj. HARDY SANDERS, WILLIAM BRYAN, ABNER SAULS & CALEB PENNY. Wit: ROBERT WATKINS, ABNER JORDAN. Signed: CALEB PENNY, his wife SARAH (X) PENNY, Aug. Ct. 1789. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #3, p. 515; 30 Aug. 1771 JOHN SMITH, JUNR. of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, NATHAN WILLIAMS, HENRY RAINS, JAMES WOOTEN, DAVID HOLLIMON, & JOHN HINNANT Justices for the county of Johnston for 5 pounds paid in behalf & for the County of Johnston, a lot cont. 1 acre part of the tract whereon sd JOHN SMITH now dwells, NS Neuse River. . .dwelling house of JOHN SMITH. . . for the sole interest of sd County o Johnston for & during the Court for the Co shall be held according to law . . for a Court house, prison & stocks. Wit: NEEDHAM BRYAN,JR., JESSE POWELL. Signed: JOHN SMITH. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 158; 9 Aug. 1774 WILLIAM BRYAN, Esq. of Johnston Co. to LEWIS BRYAN of Johnston Co., for paternal love 100 acres on NS Neuse River, the same tract by Deed of Gift from ISAAC WILLIAMS to JOHN DURHAM, part of land taken up by GEORGE POOL & part by JAMES STALLIONS. Wit: WILLIAM WARD, HARDY BRYAN. Aug. Ct. 1774. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book H-1, 313, 26 MAY 1777 WILLIAM BRYAN, Esq. of Johnston Co to HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co for NL & Aff. To my son, land whereon he now lives, 200 acres NS Middle Ck. Granville line, adj. NATHANIEL GILES line. Wit: WILLIAM WARD, BLAKE BRYAN. Signed: W. BRYAN. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book H-1, p. 343, 17 July 1771 JOHN SMITH of Johnston to BANJAMIN WILLIAMS, WILLIAM BRYAN, SAMUEL SMITH, JR., JOHN RAND, JOHN STEVENS & LEWIS BRYAN, directors & trustees for Town of Smithfield. . . quit claim. . . land adj. corner of Front and Church St. . . for the use & purpose of a burying ground Page 41 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 for the inhabitants of the town of Smithfield. Wit: CHRIS NEAL, WILLIAM WARD. Signed: JOHN SMITH. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 68, 22 May 1788 JOSEPH & UNITY BRIDGERS of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 40 pounds, 250 acres plant. and 2 tracts of land of Little Sw. of Mill C. (1) 100 acres incl. the plant. where sd. JOSEPH BRIDGERS formerly lived (2) 150 acres adj. above tract & WILLIAM. LEE. Wit: NATHAN ALLEN, ASA BRYAN. signed: JOSEPH (J) BRIDGERS, UNITY (X) BRIDGERS, Nov. Ct. 1791. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 97, 4 January 1792 WILLIAM GILES of Johnston Co. to JOHN GILES of Lenoir Co. for 170 pounds tracts (1) 100 acres NS Middle Ck. where NATHANIEL GILES dec. lived adj. COLO. HARDY BRYAN, JOHN GILES, & WILLIAM BRYAN... being part of tract to WILLIAM BRYAN 17 December 1764 . . (2) 105 acres SS Middle Ck. adj. above tract, WILLIAM BRYAN, Juniper Br.... part of tract pat. by WILLIAM BRYAN 21 April 1755 conv. To WILLIAM GILES. . . other part of pat. by JOHN GILES & by him to NATHANIEL GILES by his LW & T. Wit: ETHELD SMITH, ALEXDR AVERA, ALEXANDER PENNY. Signed: WILLIAM (X) GILES, Feb. Ct. 1792. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book S-1, p. 156, 1 Sept. 1791 MALCOM GILLES of New Bern to BRYAN WHITFIELD of Dobbs Co. for 60 pounds, 200 acres on Poplar Br. near Rands corner, adj. SAMUEL SMITH, WILLIAM BRYAN & BLURTON. Wit: BENJ COB, N POWELL, LOVERY BRYAN. Signed: M GILLIS, May Ct. 1792. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book U-1, p. 66, 24 Feb. 1795 WILLIAM TAYLOR & w AVEA of Glasgow Co. ABNER PEEPLES & w ADACK, ARCHIBALD PEEPLES & w SARAH of Johnston Co. to BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Johnston Co., whereas JAMES REN late of Johnston Co died leaving legimate issue AVEA w/o WILLIAM TAYLOR, ADACK w/o ABNER PEEPLES, & SARAH w/o ARCHIBALD PEEPLES & no others, for 251 p. 10 sh. (1) 200 acres in Johnston Co. SS Neuse River adj. WILLIAM POOLE & the river. . (2) 128 acres above Arthurs Br. adj. WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN POOL . . ( 100 acres adj. his own line BS Arthurs Br. Wit: NATHAN ALLEN, JOHN SMITH Signed: WILLIAM TAYLOR, AVEA (X) TAYLO, ABNER PEEPLES, ADACK (X) PEEPLES, SARAH (X) PEEPLES, ARCHABALD (X) PEEPLES Feb. Ct. 1795. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book U-1, p. 162, 23 Feb. 1795 ABNER PEEBLES & w DOCKEY of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM TAYLOR & w AVA/AVEY of Glasgow Co., to ARCHELUS PEEBLES for 14 pounds, 4 sh 4d, all our right & title to land in Johnston Co. SS Middle Ck. adj. WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN POOL on Arthurs Br.. . . pat. by BENJAMIN LANCASTER 21 May 1779. Wit: JOHN POOL. Signed: WILLIAM TAYLOR, ARCHALES PEEBLES, AVY (X) TAYLOR ADACK PEEBLES, May Ct. 1795. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book D-2, p. 168, 9 March 1804 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA gives Power of Atty. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. to collect debts due me & sell all my lands in Johnston Co. Wit: ASA BRYAN, ASA BRYAN, JR. Signed: JOHN BRYAN, (no rec. date). WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 124, 28 Sept. 1813 REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co & RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. for 12 sh . . PATSY BRYAN w/o JOHN BRYAN of Johnston Co & child of PATSY HINTON, land in Johnston Co. which was willed to sd JOHN BRYAN by his father WILLIAM BRYAN, dec. ca 1482 acres, negro slaves PHEBE, CHARLOTTE, & all his right & title during natural life of PATSY, slaves BOB, PHILLIS, ANY, CHERRY, ARCHELLIS, WILLIE, DINAH, ARNOLD, DAVID, ELLICK, SQUIRE, ARON, POLLY, LOTTY, MOSES, SILVY, MARZILLA, CHARITY, JOHN & RHODA. Wit: WILLIAM BECKWITH, WILL SASSER, L G SMITH. Signed: R. SANDERS, RANS HINTON, Feb.Ct. 1814. Page 42 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 223, 6 Jan. 1818 DANIEL R SUMNER of Lincoln Co. TN to DAVID LUNCEFORD of Johnston Co. for $400, 200 acres of land adj. SAMUEL SMITH, WILLIAM BRYAN . . . I further warrant, under my Power of Atty. for JOSEPH SUMNER who did employ me to sell this land. Wit: ROBT GULLEY, JR., W M CARTER. Signed: D R SUMNER, Feb. Ct. 1820. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 29, 5 Feb. 1820 WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. to JAMES BRYAN of Johnston Co. power of Atty... settling all matters of controversy in collecting & settling debts that may be owing to me from LEWIS BRYAN, dec. Est. Wit: T PRICE, G W MARSHBURN. Signed: WILLIAM BRYAN, May Ct. 1820. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 262, 31 March 1818 READING D BRYAN of Johnston Co. appt. WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. as my lawful Atty. to act for me as a legatee of MOSES GRIFFIS/GRIFFIN, dec. of NC. Wit: SIMON. BRYAN, JOHN PEACOCK. Signed: READING D BRYAN, Nov. Ct. 1821. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book M-2, p. 43, 11 Feb. 1825 JOHN INGRAM of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. appoint him my lawful Atty. for me & in my name. Wit: FURNIFOLD WOOD, A H BRYAN, SR., Signed: JOHN INGRAM, Aug. Ct. 1825. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book N-2, p. 86, 20 Nov. 1824 WILLIAM ALLEN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. for $250 , NS Bushes Sw. adj. lands of WILLIAM BRYAN, SIMON. BRYAN, & HARDY BRYAN, being a part of land deeded by ASA BRYAN to his son LEWIS BRYAN, including the plant. where LEWIS BRYAN lives, part of a survey patent to GREEN. Wit: JOSEPH BRYAN, AARON GODWIN. Signed: WILLIAM ALLEN, Nov. Ct. 1825. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book D, p. 102, Will of WILLIAM HINTON, dated 23 Nov. 1761, Prob. Jan Ct. 1762. Legatees Wife SOPHIA HINTON; sons JOSEPH, JOHN, ISAAC, & DEMCY,; daus. SARY & ESTHER; negroes: DICK, NED, JACK, POMEY, MONGO, CATE, FILLIS, JANE, HONOUR, FRANK, CALVIT, WASH & CLOE; JACOB BRASWELL; THOS BAYLEY. Exec. Cusn MALACHIA HINTON & WILLIAM BRYAN, high shff. Signed: WILLIAM HINTON. Wit: JOS WATSON/WALTON, MICHAEL ROGERS. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book E-1, p. 43, (no date) NEEDHAM BRYAN & w SOPHIE of Johnston Co to NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR., of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son, 2 plant. (1) 250 acres on SS Black Ck. pat. to NEEDHAM BRYAN, SR., April 1752. (2) 150 acres adj. other tract & JOHN LAWHORNS line, pat. to NEEDHAM BRYAN,SR., 23 Dec. 1763, by delivering 1 sh. sterling or 1 piece silver commonly called spistrsen. Wit: BENJ HARDY, JOSEPH HINTON. Signed: NEEDHAM (X) BRYAN, SOPHIA (X) BRYAN. SOPHIA BRYAN exam by WILLIAM BRYAN, Esq. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 1 I, JOSEPH HINTON, s/o WILLIAM HINTON, late of Johnston Co. have received from MAJOR NEEDHAM BRYAN of Johnston Co. who was my Guard. the sum of 50 pounds 16 sh 7d in full of my portion of my fathers Estate. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, JR. Signed: JOSEPH HINTON, May Ct. 1769. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 210, 20 Oct. 1784 JOSEPH IRBY of Wake Co. to TAPLE JOHNSON of More Co. for 80 pounds, BS Black Ck. beg. at county line adh. WILLIAM EASON & JOHN ADAMS. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, MARK MYAT. Signed: JOSEPH IRBY. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Transcript #2, p. 356, 14 Nov. 1789 JOHN SMITH JR., of Johnston Co. to ETHELDRED SMITH of Johnston Co for L & Aff. to my son, 390 acres SS Page 43 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 Swift Ck. adj. THOMAS TOMLINSON, JOHN SANDERS & JOHN SMITHS other land by deed from BENJAMIN BRITT. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN. Signed: JOHN SMITH, Nov. Ct. 1790. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book I-1, p. 315, 30 Aug. 1779 BENJ WILLIAMS, WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN SMITH, SAMUEL SMITH, JOHN STEVENS, JOHN RAND, & LEWIS BRYAN comm. of Smithfield to WILLIAM POWELL of Gates Co. for 50 sh, 1 lot or 1/2 acre in Smithfield #66. Wit: KEDAR POWELL. Signed: BENJ WILLIAMS, JOHN SMITH, JOHN RAND, LEWIS BRYAN. Aug.Ct. 1779. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 113, 6 Jan. 1797 JOHN PICKEN of Wayne Co. to JOHN STANSELL of Johnston Co. for 50 pounds, 150 acres ES Little River adj. JOHN STANSELL, SR., WILLIAM BRYANT, & WILLIAM STERLING. Wit: SAMUEL BARNES, WILLIS BRYAN. Signed: JONATHAN ICKEN. Feb. Ct. 1797. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book Z-1, p. 250, 29 Nov. 1800 BENJAMIN. BRYAN of Jefferson Co. GA Admr of Est. of BENJAMIN WELLONS, dec. late of Johnston Co, leaving ZACHARIAH WELLONS, JOHN WELLONS, WILLIAM WELLONS, JAMES WELLONS, REBECKAH WELLONS, POLLY WELLONS, & JESSE WELLONS his only heirs, for 400 pounds 428 acres Johnston Co SS Neuse River adj. WILLIAM POOL, Arthurs Br. and WILLIAM BRYAN Wit: WILLIAM FARMER, J. BRYAN Signed: BENJAMIN. BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1801. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 431, ____1809 ERWIN WILDER, WINIFRED WILDER, ELISHA EASON, EDITH EASON, HILLORY WILDER & ESTHER WILDER of Johnston Co to JOHN AVERA of Johnston Co. for 300 pounds, 3 tracts (1) 300 acres SS Neuse River, Reedy Br., Swift Ck. . . (2) SS Neuse River adj. ALEXR AVERA & WILLIAM BRYAN (3) 39 acres granted to JACOB AVERA. Wit: JONATHAN. BRYAN, JR., JACOB AVERA, WILLIAM WILDER, JAMES LEWIS. Signed: ERWIN (X) WILDER, WINNIFRED (X) WILDER, HILLORY WILDER, EASTHER WILDER, ELISHA (X) WILDER, EDITH (X) EASON. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book F-2, p. 188, 4 January 1810 JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA to JACOB BLACKMAN of Sampson Co. for 875 pounds, 3 tracts, 1036 acres BS Mill Ck., Stephen's Mill Br. adj. SUSANNA FELLOWS, NATHANIEL THORNTON, SAMUEL ELDRIDGE, WILLIS LEE, TAYLORS CABIN & DAVID LEE. Wit: OBED M COX, WILLIAM BRYAN. Signed: JOHN BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1810. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 22, 4 January 1810 JOAB BLACKMAN of Sampson Co. sells to JOHN BRYAN of Burke Co. GA for $950, a negro man TONEY, ca. 30 yrs & a negro woman CHARITY ca. 19 yrs. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, OBED W COX. Signed: JOAB BLACKMAN, Feb. Ct. 1813. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 100, 23 Nov. 1813 PATIENCE SMITH of Johnston Co. to JAMES SMITH of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my children, heirs of the late JOHN SMITH, my dec. husband, all right, title and claims by LW & T, thereunto me moving. Wit: WILLIAM BRYAN, ASA BRYAN. Signed: PATIENCE (X) SMITH. Feb Ct. 1814. WILLIAM BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 10, ____ 1809 JEREMIAH LEE & w ELIZABETH & JACOB AVERA of Johnston Co. to HARDY AVERA for 200 pounds (1) 300 acres SS Neuse River Reedy, Br. . . (2) 290 acres SS Neuse River SS Swift Ck. adj. ALEX AVERA, WILLIAM BRYAN, JOHN GILES, & WILLIAM AVERA. Wit: JOHN BRYAN, JR., JACOB AVERA, B BRIDGERS, WILSON BARLOW. Signed: JEREMIAH LEE, ELIZABETH LEE, JACOB AVERA. Feb. Ct. 1818. ELIZABETH LEE exam. for consent WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 191, 15 Sept. 1810 HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 20 pounds, negro man ISAAC. Wit: HARRY BRYAN, D BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN., Nov. Ct. 1811. Page 44 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 243, 18 Nov. 1811 ABNER PEEPLES of Johnston Co to LEMUEL PEEPLES, ELIZABETH PEEPLES & NANCY PEEPLES for NL & Aff. to my children . . . to LEMUEL a baby mare & 1 gray filly . . . to ELIZABETH - 2 cows . . . to NANCY 1 horse, bed & furn. & rem. personal prop. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, MATTHEW CRAFT. Signed: ABNER (X) PEEPLES , Feb. Ct. 1812. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 259, 21 Dec. 1811 JOHN POOL, SENR. of Johnston Co. to HARRY POOL of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son, 330 acres SS Neuse River, NS Black Ck. above Wagon Ford adj. WILLIAM WHITTINGTON. Wit: BRYAN SMITH, WILLIAM W. BRYAN. Signed: JOHN POOL,SR., Feb. Ct. 1812. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 261; 21 Dec. 1811 JOHN POOL, SENR of Johnston Co. to HARDY POOL of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son 3 tracts (1) 150 acres SS Neuse River LS Middle Ck. . . granted to GIDEON ALLEN 7 Jan. 1755 (2) 115 acres adj. above tract, Arthurs Br. (3) 195 acres BS Arthurs Br. adj. BENJ LUCAS, WILLIAM WHITTINGTON, & WILLIAM BRYAN. . . granted to BENJAMIN LUCAS 21 Oct. 1782. Wit: BRYAN SMITH, WILLIAM W. BRYAN. Signed: JOHN POOK, SR., Feb. Ct. 1812. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 263; 21 Dec. 1811 JOHN POOL SENR, of Johnston, Co., to JAMES POOL of Johnston Co. for NL & Aff. to my son 2 tracts (1) 200 acres SS Neuse River. . . granted to NATHANIEL GILES 13 April 1749. (2) 85 acres adj. above tract, Beaverdam Br., James Reves line l l l granted to JOHN POOL. Wit: BRYAN SMITH, WILLIAM W. BRYAN. Signed: JOHN POOL, SR., Feb. Ct. 1812. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book G-2, p. 308, 27 Nov. 1807 SOLOMON DELOACH of Johnston Co. sells to JOHN POOL, SENR. for $425 , negro man BOB. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, E SANDERS. Signed: SOLOMON DELOACH, May Ct. 1812. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 84, 10 Aug. 1813 THOMAS J WALTON of Johnston Co. sells to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. a negro man ISAAC ca. 22 yrs. Wit: N. W. BRYAN. Signed: T J WALTON, Nov. Ct. 1813. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book H-2, p. 141, 22 January 1813 HARDY BRYAN of Johnston Co. sells to NEEDHAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. for 200 pounds, negro woman ROSE ca. 28 yrs. and negro girl child MARGARET 11 mos. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN. Signed: HARDY BRYAN, Feb. Ct. 1814. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 48, 9 Nov. 1816 LEWIS WHITFIELD of Lenior Co. and RANSOM HINTON of Wake Co. to REUBEN SANDERS of Johnston Co. wheres a marriage is intended shortly between LEWIS WHITFIELD & PATSY BRYAN, it is the intention that land & negroes should be conveyed to PATSY HINTON, to her own & separate use . . if PATSEY die, without further issue the and & negroes to equally divided between children of BYTHON, NANCY, AND THEOPHILUS BRYAN. Wit: BRYAN WHITFIELD, JR, WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JOSHUA R. HINTON. Signed: Ls. WHITFIELD, PATSEY BRYAN, RANS HINTON, Feb Ct. 1816. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 90, 25 Feb. 1817 NATHAN STRICKLAND & w EDITH of Johnston Co to ISAAC WILLIAMS of Johnston Co. for $200, our right, title, claim & interest to the land descending to us from Est. of our father JOHN SMITH dec. of Johnston Co. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, B INGRAM, EDITH STRICKLAND exam. for consent. Signed: NATHAN STRICKLAND, EDITH (E) STRICKLAND, Nov. Ct. 1817. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book I-2, p. 391, 15 June 1818 HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co. to WILLIAM W. BRYAN of Johnston Co. . . . Page 45 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 25 April 1815 HARDY BRYAN died intestate. . land BS Middle Ck. including the plant. & dwelling house of sd dec., 2,176 acres adj. JAMES DURHAM, JOHN AVERA, REUBEN SANDERS, ABNER PEEPLES, DAVID AVERA & heirs of HENRY AVERA . . which lands descended to afore sd HARRY, NEEDHAM, DAVID & WILLIAM W. BRYAN, the only heirs & rep. Of dec. all (4) of lawful age to WILLIAM W. BRYAN - the share of same on BS Ck. including plantation whereon NATHANIEL GILES formerly lived, & where WILLIAM W. BRYAN lately lived 362 acres. Wit: ETHELDRED BELL, JONATHAN WELLONS. Signed: HARRY BRYAN, NEEDHAM W. BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1818. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 136, 9 May 1818 DAVID H. BRYAN CME of Johnston Co. sells to RAY HELME of Johnston Co for $862, lots #21, #22, #23, #24 in town of Smithfield as prop. of LEWIS SASSER, JOHN SASSER, ELIZABETH SASSER, BENJAMIN. BRYAN & w MARY, EDWARD STEWART & w SUSANNAH, NATHAN WILLIAMS, POLLY WILLIAMS, SUSANNAH WILLIAMS, SAMUEL G SMITH, LARKIN SMITH, ALVIN L SMITH, JULIA C. SMITH, ROBERT MCKINNE & w ZILPHA, CARAN COBB, CHARLES HAYES & w ANNA, BENNETT BLACKMAN, THOMAS GRAY & w ELIZABETH, THOMAS WEST & w NANCY, & SALLY BLACKMAN. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, JONATHAN. STEVENS,Jr. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 158, 5 Aug. 1819 BENJAMIN BELL & ETHELDRED BELL of Johnston Co. to DAVID BELL of Johnston Co. give to brother. . .their mother ELIZABETH BELL died poss. land in Johnston Co. BS Middle Ck. adj. JOHN EASON, SR., incl. the plant. DAVID BELL,SR., left to his only heirs BENJAMIN, ETHELDRED & DAVID BELL, land where DAVID BELL now lives. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HENRY BARNES. Signed: BENJAMIN BELL, ETHELDRED BELL, Aug. Ct. 1819. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 158, 5 Aug. 1819 DAVID BELL & ETHELDRED BELL of Johnston Co to BENJAMIN BELL of Johnston Co give to bro . . 300 acres land in Johnston Co. from their mother ELIZABETH BELL, land from their father DAVID BELL, SR., dec. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HENRY BARNES. Signed: ETHELDRED BELL, DAVID BELL, Aug. Ct. 1819. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 210, 2 March 1820, WILLIAM W. BRYAN & HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co sells to JOHN McCULLERS of Johnston Co for $525.25, a negro man NED, part of Est. of HARDY BRYAN, dec. Wit: D. H. BRYAN, Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, Adm. , Feb Ct. 1820. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book K-2, p. 251, 25 May 1820 JAMES A HARRISON, ALSEY AUSTIN, THOMAS TOMLINSON & AMOS JOHNSON of Johnston Co. heirs at law & represent JOHN MCKAY, a Revolutionary Soldier, & AMBROSE INGRAM, Guard. to MARY TOMLINSON to CALVIN JONES of City of Raleigh for $213, any right to land for his service as a soldier in the Continental Line & Army. Wit: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, D BELL. Signed: ALSEY (X) AUSTIN, AMBROSE INGRAM, AMOS JOHNSON, J A HARRISON, Feb. Ct. 1820. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 76, June 1818 WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN & DAVID H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to HARRY BRYAN of Johnston Co. 547 acres total . . . HARDY BRYAN died ca. 24 April 1815 intestate . . . HARRY BRYAN share - adj. AS Middle Ck., HENRY AVERA dec heirs, JAMES DURHAM, upper Juniper Br. adj. DAVID AVERA & REUBEN SANDERS lines. Wit: JAMES WELLONS, ETHELDRED BELL. Signed: WILLIAM W. BRYAN, NEEDHAM BRYAN, DAVID H. BRYAN, Aug. Ct. 1820. WILLIAM W. BRYAN - deed book L-2, p. 223, (no date) WILLIAM W. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN & D. H. BRYAN of Johnston Co to PHILLIP JOHNSON of Johnston Co for $437.50, 350 acres in Cumberland Co ES Black River in Turkey Pen Br., grant to CHARLES FALKNER 9 March 1768. Wit: JONATHAN MacLEOD, JAMES FARRIOR. Signed WILLIAM M. BRYAN, HARRY BRYAN, N. W. BRYAN, D. H. BRYAN, 25 Sept. 1821. Page 46 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 WILLIS BRYAN - deed book W-1, p. 113, 6 Jan. 1797 JOHN PICKEN of Wayne Co. to JOHN STANSELL of Johnston Co. for 50 pounds, 150 acres ES Little River adj. JOHN STANSELL,SR., WILLIAM BRYANT, & WILLIAM STERLING. Wit: SAMUEL BARNES, WILLIS BRYAN. Signed: JONATHAN PICKEN. Feb. Ct. 1797. WINIFRED BRYAN - deed book K, p. 240, 15 Feb. 1782 JOHN SMITH, SR., of Johnston Co. to WINIFRED BRYAN for L to my grand dau. a negro girl LYDIA ca. 10 yrs., already in her poss. Wit: K. BRYAN, ABRAHAM BARNS, JOHN BRYAN. WILLIAM WARD, Clk. Feb. Ct. 1781. Page 47 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK ** Deed Abs, NC, Johnston, BRYAN. BRYANT 1759 - 1825 ###### # # ##### ####### # # ##### ####### # # # # ## ## # # # ## # # # # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ###### # # # # #### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## ### # # # # # # ###### # # ##### ####### # # ### ##### ####### # # Transcribed from original documents by Brent R. Brian & Martha M. Brian. This document and others can be found on our website: BMGEN We claim COPYLEFT on the documents that we publish that are our original work. COPYLEFT “rules” can be reviewed on the web site: GNU Free Documentation License In short, use what you like. But if you use our stuff, mention us as the source. Brent R. Brian Martha M. Brian Page 48 of 48 ** PAGE BREAK **